I give you Lieutenant Dan Berserker.
"They gave you, an imbecile, the congretional medal of honour!?"
I give you Lieutenant Dan Berserker.
It looks like he's sprawled out at the beach getting his tan on and the bottom half of his legs are buried in the sand.Centurion, I just stole your Berserker pose, its epic.
But while in the process, Berserker had a catastrophic incident....
I give you Lieutenant Dan Berserker.
I wonder if he has Machiko, because if he does I can only imagine what comes next .
I know all about it.....
Do you have any Cosbaby Predators? If you don't I can see them comming soon .
Innocent... Berserker standing next to a Cosbaby Pred? :
in a few years he will be one of the most sought after hot toys predators
I think so too.These trio will be much better, if not the same as trio AVP, in the future
Like father and son in a weekend family hunt .
Kind of like this:
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