Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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You should. It was fairly easy, and the results are way worth it. The mask is elastic plastic and hard to break. The jaw is a bit more sensitive, but if you heat them up well with a blowdryer and don't bend anything 90 degrees, you're good. In the end, it's dramatically better than the stock horseface mask.

Regarding the dreads, if I pull harder, the rubber doesn't gape. So I think as you say, it's the paint cracking due to glue covering it. Pretty shoddy glue work, if I may say so. How does yours look? Any close-up dread pics would be greatly appreciated.

I'll give the blowdrying a try soon. My dreads don't show any cracks like that, I'll take some pictures soon so you can see how they look. I'm not sure whether the glue may have done that though, I think it could simply be from strain that was applied over time.
Fixed the broke-10-minutes-after-opening chest straps by replacing them with genuine calf lace from Michael's. Now this gorilla is ready for battle. Might get Tracker and Falconer too. But don't know if I should. Should I?

Might get Tracker and Falconer too. But don't know if I should. Should I?
only if you're into collecting predators of any kind.
i used to have berserker. then i sold it. then i bought the trio because it was dull waiting for anything else. i don't mind having them today, but i don't think i would do that again if i managed to sell them all.
they are beautifully painted, and that's why i got them, and they look best as a trio, but they have no soul behind them for me. though when i completed them with all figures from the movie (classic+royce+morpheus), it was cool.
so think about getting the rest thoroughly for several times... than just toss a coin like i do in such situations :lol






Not really of ANY kind, but I'm okay with the Predators super preds. It ain't Winston, but I like their designs, and despite all the flack it gets, I think the film was a lot better than anything AvP. It's just a shame that the Falconer was such a wuss.

Losing to a human, in a clean mano y mano makes me almost not want him. That's how discrediting that scene was. Every other pred was either unlucky, jihaded or outwitted by the main character. Falconer lost a clean fight. Sure, they both died, but still. It was a human with a sword.

That said, Tracker is and looks badass. I'm certain about him. Will probably sport him without the spikedog though.
they were actually all super WEAK predators, not super predators :)
they got a kid predator (short & fat), fed him drugs (a predator that cannot tear a chain that can be cut with a machete? when P1 broke fresh trees with his fist and P2 broke concrete floor in the building or metal floor in the subway? and dealing with humans? that kid pred should be heavily drugged), and then one healthy, uninjured SUPER WEAK PREDATOR couldn't even defeat that drugged, exhausted fat predator kid one-on-one for a long time.

That said, Tracker is and looks badass.
he died from a hand grenade explosion. died. while P2 didn't even pay attention to a grenade launcher shot from Keyes. Tracker was as weak as other two super weak predators - and may be the dumbest, because he approxed an explosives-rigged man while P1 and P2 always hit from distance or from behind until only the least armed/dangerous people remained.

but yes, the does look, erm, badass :) speaking of design, Falconer is the dullest, Berserker in the middle, and Tracker the best.
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they were actually all super WEAK predators, not super predators :)
they got a kid predator (short & fat), fed him drugs (a predator that cannot tear a chain that can be cut with a machete? when P1 broke fresh trees with his fist and P2 broke concrete floor in the building or metal floor in the subway? and dealing with humans? that kid pred should be heavily drugged), and then one healthy, uninjured SUPER WEAK PREDATOR couldn't even defeat that drugged, exhausted fat predator kid one-on-one for a long time.

he died from a hand grenade explosion. died. while P2 didn't even pay attention to a grenade launcher shot from Keyes. Tracker was as weak as other two super weak predators - and may be the dumbest, because he approxed an explosives-rigged man while P1 and P2 always hit from distance or from behind until only the least armed/dangerous people remained.

but yes, the does look, erm, badass :) speaking of design, Falconer is the dullest, Berserker in the middle, and Tracker the best.

I agree with everything regarding Predators, except Tracker's demise. It was pure uncautious arrogance that ended him - same traits that lead to the death of P1 and P2. So, in a sense, he's closer to the original Winston badasses than the other super preds. I call them super preds because that's what they're called in the predator realm - I agree that there wasn't much super about them otherwise. However, I doubt any other predator would've survived the jihad shiet Taktarov pulled. Not from that distance. Especially if he was carrying more than one grenade.
well, frankly speaking, somebody can say that he did survive it. and died later. if somebody wanted to unite them with original predators who were anything but not insta-die from lethal wounds.
but Falconer died instantly from a cut (while P2 didn't do that instantly from his intestines chopped left and right and P1 didn't do it with broken neck & spine), so i assume Tracker died instantly from several shrapnels and some explosion while P2 ignored explosion and was just unconscious from Harrigan's gun (which previously, in the beginning, didn't just drop people but threw them a meter away, meaning that it's not just a bullet hit through flesh, it's a knock that should mess his organs like a bullet caught between west's metal plates).
anyway, you are right, his death really could be considered the most natural, like knocked out and burned unconscious... if two others, belonging to the same kind, haven't shown human weakness instead of predator stamina.
and as for "pure uncautious arrogance" - i specifically mentioned that original predators killed everybody really armed first, always from the back or from distance, meaning that they can check what weapons are dangerous for them. they went into of either wild, ancient ways of hunting or mano a mano combat, which, no matter what comic/avp fans like to imagine, is so unnatural for predators that they do it bad and die from that, which was very clearly shown in both movies (including very poor combat skills, fear of closing to an armed opponent and zero understanding of traps or final hits of seemingly dying prey).

Tracker went straight forward to a man armed with lots of explosives. he read comics about jajujats and thought predators must fight.
later Berserker easily understood what explosives are (when he turned a rigged maniac), so their scanners can read them.
Tracker was simply dumb. he thought that if he is a super predator he will survive what original predators can. he didn't analyze the original predator movies and made a mistake :lol
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I don't know, man, P1 and P2 both held their own in mano y mano/melee mode. At least until the scripts wanted them dead. And even then they lost because of being uncautious and/or arrogant (taking the win for granted while underestimating their foes). This exact thing happened to Tracker. He thought he had him killed from the blast, and skewered him up for a finishing strike, only to be surprised by the claymores. He's not RoboCop or Terminator, noticing and calculating the opponent's weapons in x-ray mode. These are technically advanced savages, looking for a good hunt. He went to kill Taktarov with bare hands and was caught off guard. Again, none of that would've happened if he had left it to the gun. Just like P1 and P2. Pride, arrogance, taking shiet personal. That's what gets them killed. As for Berz and Falconer, yeah, no comment. They fooked up. Especially Falconer.
i get what you mean. and yes i forgot that Tracker thought the human was already defeated. my bad. he went for the human exactly like P1 and P2 went for Harrigan and Dutch, thinking they are running, defeated and weak. he really acted like an original predator - dreaming of having some blood on his hands but incapacitating the prey before it :) and to remember that he normally didn't rely on combat but on his dogs also forgives his noobness in directly approaching the target, it just wasn't his method. same cannot be said about Falconer who just relied on his falcon to track prey and then had to be able to finish it himself. and about Berserker who tried to work with bare hands but could fight only a fat baby weakened predator.
so you're right about what you wrote about him (his intentions, ways and unfortunate defeat). whether he should die from that blast or not is irrelevant.
what i meant about P1 and P2 in close combat is that they are very slow and clumsy, thus showing that direct combat is unnatural for a predator, unlike what jajuja legends say about their samurai ninja cavemen in elven armor.
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And yes, Berserker and Falconer have no excuses whatsoever.
well, they could be excused...
if plot said that they are a bunch of maniac teenagers, like in Eden lake, and that little fatty predator was like that poor indian kid they burned alive. in that case it would be even a really cool movie with a real difference from original fully action movies.
in that case a group of highly trained human soldiers could nail them like they did in the movie, losing in strength and speed (and thus occasionally duying from overwhelming power) but winning in tactics (due to no brains in teenagers' heads).
but no, they are Super Predators. lame.
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well, they could be excused...
if plot said that they are a bunch of maniac teenagers, like in Eden lake, and that little fatty predator was like that poor indian kid they burned alive. in that case it would be even a really cool movie with a real difference from original fully action movies.
in that case a group of highly trained human soldiers could nail them like they did in the movie, losing in strength and speed (and thus occasionally duying from overwhelming power) but winning in tactics (due to no brains in teenagers' heads).
but no, they are Super Predators. lame.

Replaced all "leather" straps of his upper body armor with actual leather straps. And, in the heat of the action, ended up painting him up a bit. Mostly darkening, with blue-gray paint in ever so few layers. Also added phase outs and dots on inside upper arms and calves. The green-ness of the legs need to be grayed over a bit too I think. What do you think?
leather straps replacing is a must. i always forget to do that.
as for repainting... he had unique paint, somewhat beautiful, now it's more plain paint, like on other two rodrigators. if it was your intention, you got what you wanted. i guess you went for "black predator" description from times of making the movie.
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only if you're into collecting predators of any kind.
i used to have berserker. then i sold it. then i bought the trio because it was dull waiting for anything else. i don't mind having them today, but i don't think i would do that again if i managed to sell them all.
they are beautifully painted, and that's why i got them, and they look best as a trio, but they have no soul behind them for me. though when i completed them with all figures from the movie (classic+royce+morpheus), it was cool.
so think about getting the rest thoroughly for several times... than just toss a coin like i do in such situations :lol

Awesome trio.

Lucky you that all of their laser sights work as well. The laser sight on my Berserker doesn't seem to work.