Damn the damage head looks the spit of T2...
I'll be displaying this bad boy non battle damaged. Looks pretty much spot on to the source material right down to proportions
Really disappointed about the box. I like the way sleave is designed but it is too plain. I thought they were gonna throw some of that purple,orange, and red on box like how it was in the background of the early promo pics. I think that wouldve looked so good. OMG's photos look great tho. Looking foward to getting this one.
Damnit I swore I was not getting this and that the HT T2 T800 was enough for me but ohhhhhhhh man it's just so perfect. I want it, no wait I need it. Oh man I need a 3rd job I really do. Somehow I need to support this addiction.
best photos yet! did you get a chance to touch the metal shinies in the back and see if they are glued on very well? what horrors if some were to start falling off and ruining its symmetry with the rest