Thanks so much for the help! I'll give it some thought. Right now, I'm suffering from that medical condition P!tu mentioned when he opened his HT Dutch -- Arnie Overload.
No probs. You had primarily been sticking to iconic 'creatures' before, am I right? Well rest assured that these Arnie figures are beasts themselves and definitely iconic too. stuff/IMG_4348Small.jpg
Love this shot. Really well done. You got an awesome collection mate. Looking through your pictures has made me wanna watch the terminator now. Gonna have to stick it one. With my t 800 by the tv. Haha.
Cheers! My HT Terminator collection is pretty big now for sure through all my multiples purchasing - nutjob that I am though I can actually think of reasons to buy even more and I'm actively fighting against myself to stop spending more ___king money. Damn its hard.
Amazing pics, A-Dev.
All those variants you made = pure badassery.
Mind if I ask what gloved hands you used for your cyberdyne Arnold?!
I wanna start getting the gear for it next month and can´t find quite the right stuff...
Thanks Endo! I recognise the poses in your new pics - I can see you had particular shots from the film in mind, I like that.
The gloves I have on Cyberdyne Arnold are spare hands from the TDK Batman (original costume). They were the closest thing I have, I didn't really fancy the Joker gloves that some are using. They're a tiny bit loose but they stay in.
Awesome pics A-dev!
I felt like a little kid looking at all your pics and seeing all those combinations that I've been dying to try. Can't wait till Friday.
Cool, thanks FLOSI. It definitely has been great fun putting together different combinations just as it was with the T-1000.
Now if only I could stop spending so much money and get my shelves built into my room so I could display it all properly. I take my photographs on the floor...and my figures ultimately end up staying on the floor. Lucky theres no kids or misbehaving pets in the house.