Looks like you added something to his face and around the wounded eye to make it look more gritty and real. I really like that and wanna do it with mine. You think one day youl'll share the recipe? Oh and the jacket and arm mod you did as well.
Looks like you added something to his face and around the wounded eye to make it look more gritty and real. I really like that and wanna do it with mine. You think one day youl'll share the recipe? Oh and the jacket and arm mod you did as well.
Have any of you artists out there tried to sculpt a piece that you can fit over the T1 BD eye without having to damage (No cutting, or drilling)the head? I know it would have to be really thin and tiny.
Isn't that what the non BD head is for?![]()
Thanks a-dev. Nice T1 movie poster bash by the way.
Thanks. Yeah he turned out well, though he does have that bloodied eye and the head isn't secured on yet.
Hopefully HT won't let us down by not making a police shootout figure because if they don't I'll have to convert my movie poster figure into one. Well, I'm saying that but maybe I wouldn't bother.
I'm talking about a patch that looks like an Endo eye.![]()
It could be done with silicone.![]()
Wow Ray, that is bad@ss! You keep evolving as a customizer, major props![]()