Hot Toys - MMS136 - The Terminator: 1/6th scale T800 Collectible Figure (T1)

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Looks like you added something to his face and around the wounded eye to make it look more gritty and real. I really like that and wanna do it with mine. You think one day youl'll share the recipe? Oh and the jacket and arm mod you did as well.
Have any of you artists out there tried to sculpt a piece that you can fit over the T1 BD eye without having to damage (No cutting, or drilling)the head? I know it would have to be really thin and tiny.
Thanks a-dev. Nice T1 movie poster bash by the way.

Thanks. Yeah he turned out well, though he does have that bloodied eye and the head isn't secured on yet.

Hopefully HT won't let us down by not making a police shootout figure because if they don't I'll have to convert my movie poster figure into one. Well, I'm saying that but maybe I wouldn't bother.
Thanks. Yeah he turned out well, though he does have that bloodied eye and the head isn't secured on yet.

Hopefully HT won't let us down by not making a police shootout figure because if they don't I'll have to convert my movie poster figure into one. Well, I'm saying that but maybe I wouldn't bother.

Yeah Ive always kinda dug that look on the poster. Just the jacket with no shirt underneath. And yeah I cant see HT missing out on such an easy sell. A police shootout figure is must! So im just :pray: The only way I could see them NOT doing it if they somehow cant secure the rights for the likeness of that exact figure. Although they have already have used it for the same movie but for a different figure. I dont know how exactly that works.
A big step closer to finishing my dream terminator! Really happy with what I was able to accomplish, the crappy iphone pics dob;t do justice but I' happy with my complete face repaint and transplant.




Now to get his gun worked out and his Shades... the shades are happening... sign up here!
Wow Ray, that is bad@ss! You keep evolving as a customizer, major props :bow

Thank you Marf!! Props from you means a lot to me :D

I'm not often proud of my customs but since I have really low expectations of myself when it comes to painting heads I'm proud of this because i stripped all but the eye and hair and repainted it all. It was almost pasty white underneath the HT paint aps! Had to remove his tears of blood.

now to master eyes...
great custom there Raymond ! do you mind telling me which endo eye sculpt you use on this project ?..I recasted the HT endo eye on mine but it's not as detailed as the one you have here...

