Buying V1 at $300 is better than getting a DX?
Well IMO, the headsculpt is the only thing wrong about the DX right?
As for the missing V1 accessories (T, rose box, endo arm and head), DarthT can get them off the board/ebay in the same cash he would use for a cyberdyne bash.
He can round up everything (V1 acc. and the DX) in like $300-320, tons of bids on ebay for the accessories of V1.
And the DX has real leather clothing, so that's an added bonus.
Not happy with the head someone will at least buy it for $45.
So there you go....
(As for the V1 head I might be able to help him get it in like $55-60 odd shipped.)
The head sculpt is the most important part right? But I argee that getting the dx at this point is the better value. The one thing to concider is that the dx10 has a new body so the endo arm may not fit on it as well so I don't suggest getting it until you know it will work. The leather coat and accessories are better with the dx, but as far as I can tell at this point the mms117 is a more soild figure. I will be picking up the dx10 myself but I don't expect it to top the orginal.