Some small modifications to the HTs MMS02 Jacket(Or Saturaday Toys Jacket?):
I superglued 3mm black nailheads(I slightly buffed them with silver paint) to the collar and side pocket, and repainted the brass ringlets to silver.
I also removed the large zipper thing and replaced it with a small one that matches with the rest of the jackets small zippers.
Lastly, I attached some string to the small zipper to make it easy to zip the jacket up -
Ebay nailheads -
I also found an AR180 on ebay a few months ago, which I have started to mod.
So far I sanded it down, filled in small faults of the cast, drilled hole in the grip, and added a 'thing' under the aim-sight?(Will be sanded down and shaped later) -
Im later going to cut it up, and repaint it to change it from this -
To this -
Notice how the gun isnt just shiny black, but also has a matt grey/green/silver part -