Super Freak
Quoted for awesomeness!!!
Sean GTFO, I want no more pics! Retired this thread and close it, where's BD and where is REESE!!!!
To me, this is one HT's best figures for representing the source, the porportions, the sculpt, the costume, just all very well executed. I think this figure flies under the radar because for some, it's not the look from T1 they want most, and for others, we were getting great Terminator releases and had high hopes for more to roll out with this figure and it became a sort of bittersweet end to HT Terminators.
For those of you that have swapped the regular arm with the Battle damaged arm, is it hard to remove?
Edit: I remember many people saying that the T2 T-800's arm was almost impossible to remove once they had swapped it.
To me, this is one HT's best figures for representing the source, the porportions, the sculpt, the costume, just all very well executed. I think this figure flies under the radar because for some, it's not the look from T1 they want most, and for others, we were getting great Terminator releases and had high hopes for more to roll out with this figure and it became a sort of bittersweet end to HT Terminators.
I found it easier but i think mainly because you can grip this arm where the T2 endo arm is mostly fragild and not easy to hold for popping off.
Boil and dip method, it's actually just a little rubber piece on the inside part of the arm that holds it into the socket. It will become pliable after the heated water is applied and then return to its normal state once cooled.
I actually think this T1 figure is my favourite Hot Toys release to date.
I love my T2 a lot as well but T1 to me is just a bit special.