Hot Toys: - MMS156 - Captain America The First Avenger Official Specs and Pics

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I loved the movie and all the designs. I love the way this figure looks. I can not wait. So how long before it hits stateside for distribution?

OMG great pics AGAIN!

Sweet mother of J.........what an amazing figure. I have no complaints with the body. The mass in shoulders n chest is a nice touch. Batman Begins, Superman, Indy and Captain America all released within such a short window :yess:
Figure looks pretty damn good and the shield is drool worthy, just wish they would've included a saluting hand.
i think the side profile of the sculpt definitely has the dead-on likeness to Evans, but not when you're looking at it from the front. I'm guessing it's pretty much due to the fact that the figure's jawline seems more pointy/sharp, whereas Evans' jawline is rounded.

Awesome figure nonetheless....the stitching and likeness to the movie costume is just nuts!
Great photos by both OMG and heewing!!!! :D:D:D

Thanks a lot guys, the Captain looks absolutely fantastic in your shots :clap
You know, sometimes you'd swear some people got the Hot Toys figure and other people got some cheap Vietnamese knockoff :eek: No, this is most likely a case where the figure really looks as good in-hand as OMG's photos make it out to be. But you gotta wonder, how on earth can these both even be the same figure? :dunno



Exactly! I don't care what anybody says... there is no way these 2 are the same head sculpt. Lights and shadows can only alter so much! Just look at that chin in the first pictures! Atrocious!

Overall, Cap looks alright. I'd give a 6 out of 10.
Sculpts are SAME in both pics- really c/mon - by now you should realize camera angle, lens distortion and LIGHT source all come into play...