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Remy, your Cap looks really nice. I prefer the glossy helmet and all the weathering. I keep checking out this thread and each day I get closer and closer to ordering him.

Please keep sharing your mods. I'll be wanting to do them to mine if I do get him.

Does anyone who has used Pledge w/Future and Testors gloss think that both products would achieve similar results on the helmet?

Thank you very much Blue Devil. If you're still contemplating about getting one, I highly recommend getting Cap. He really is a great figure. Even without mods, he was one of my favorite figures.

Wonderful work Remy.

Any quick tutorial on how to weather the shield?

Thanks and Sure. :)

Hey Remy, how much dullcoat did you spray onto the shield? It looks terrific. Also, how did you go about painting the softer black scorch marks on the shield? Thanks

Thanks Veil.

The shield was trial and error.
I knew I wanted to tone down the shine of the shield since it was too reflective, but I also didnt want it too dull. So I first lightly sprayed it with dullcoat. Since I was hesitant, it looked misty on the shield. So I lightly sprayed it again. This time, it was even, on the shield, but I felt it was dull than what I wanted. So I dipped a Q-tip in acetone, and then wipe most of the acetone off on a napkin so that there's hardly any acetone on the Q-tip, then I wiped and smeared some of the dullcoat off with the Q-tip. Make sure there's hardly any acetone on the Q-tip...too much acetone may end up taking some of the paint off). rinse and repeat til I got some of the dullcoat off. This method, using the Q-tip, also seems to nicely smear the dullcoat evenly on the shield while bringing back some of the shine. Its kinda like buffing with the Q-tip.

As far as the scorch mark, I first drybrush the silver scorch mark. If youre not familiar with drybrushing, its dipping the brush in paint and smearing most off it off on a napkin, then brush what little paint you have on the brush on the surface. I drybrushed the silver scorch marks first. Then I drybrush a mixture of black paint and water (so that it wont be too dark) and again, wiping most of it off on napkin, then went around and drybrush it around the edges of the silver scorch marks. I also added a few dirt marks on the shield (also with black and water mixture).



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very nive work Remy! i watched the movie again and you're right about the shine on the helmet. But I don't have the courage :lol your shield looks great too man! I keep missing those from TA and don't want to go to eBay
Thanks gipetto. Trust me man, it took a lot of courage to finally do the mods. It took awhile cause I wanted the spare parts in case I screwed up and I kept missing the cheap bids on eBay and the ones I end up keeping up with, the head would go for $30 and the shield for $40.
There was a couple of times I decided to do it, got the figure out, and then tell myself, dude...wait til you win the parts on eBay, so i chicken out. :lol
You're a sculptor though and you have way more experience than I do modding so you should be fine if you decide to do them also.
Isn't the helmet supposed to be based on an old Wilson style leather football helmet? So it should have a slight sheen, but not be glossy.
Thanks gipetto. Trust me man, it took a lot of courage to finally do the mods. It took awhile cause I wanted the spare parts in case I screwed up and I kept missing the cheap bids on eBay and the ones I end up keeping up with, the head would go for $30 and the shield for $40.
There was a couple of times I decided to do it, got the figure out, and then tell myself, dude...wait til you win the parts on eBay, so i chicken out. :lol
You're a sculptor though and you have way more experience than I do modding so you should be fine if you decide to do them also.

I hear you man that's exactly how I am when I go to work on something. It's not until I cut into it that I'm like "okay now I have to do this and make it look good otherwise I'm screwed!" :lol

I've got a spare Cap body coming that I'm thinking of trying to mod to get some more elbow articulation.

Did you tone down the shine on your shield too?
Isn't the helmet supposed to be based on an old Wilson style leather football helmet? So it should have a slight sheen, but not be glossy.

I, too, found the helmet to be too glossy and not enough SHEEN [ame=""]SHEEN[/ame].

But, I also found that with a generous application of a$$ butter, that the helmet achieved a greasy-yet-shiny finish which not only smelled like victory, but also looked like it, too.



mmmmmmm . . . . delicious!
Nice mod! The shield looks much more expensive than a clean shiny one :D

Thank you, Im very happy on how it turned out.

looking good remy. i guess i need to get one of those spare shields to do trial and error

That would be the smart way, lol. I wish I could be more informative and tell specifically how to do it, but as mentioned, I got the desired look through trial and error.

Hey Remy, you did a great job on those mods amn esp. the weatherings on the shield. Nice shots as well. :clap

Thanks man.

Isn't the helmet supposed to be based on an old Wilson style leather football helmet? So it should have a slight sheen, but not be glossy.

According to the special features on the movie disc, his helmet was based on ww2 paratrooper helmet. So its basically a ww2 military helmet with a mask. My mod was trying to make the helmet look more like metal. so from watching the movie, his helmet has a nice sheen on it, and my main influence in making it look like a ww2 metal helmet was the HT ironman mark 4 which is plastic, but with the gloss and few battle damage scratches, look like its made of metal.

I hear you man that's exactly how I am when I go to work on something. It's not until I cut into it that I'm like "okay now I have to do this and make it look good otherwise I'm screwed!" :lol

I've got a spare Cap body coming that I'm thinking of trying to mod to get some more elbow articulation.

Did you tone down the shine on your shield too?

Yea bud, I sprayed it with dullcoat. I wrote a page back in how I got it to look like that.
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Just got my Cap, and everything looks great so far. The outfit needs a little futzing, but no crooked A or Star, and no dings on the shield. Won't be able to pull him out of the box for a little while, but a really great figure. I'm really looking forward to the USO version. I think I'm going to set up a shadow box with USO, Reg Costume, and Avengers costume side by side. I think that will make a great display.
Got mine today, and he's just fantastic! No crooked parts or defects of any kind, except for a faulty hand peg that snapped just as soon as I tried to remove first hand (good thing they pack spares). He's really super and just looks great. The shield is an absolute _____ to get on though, so unfortunately I don't think I'll be moving it to his back all that often. Speaking of the shield, Hot Toys must have taken the complaints about the size to heart because the thing seems huge; maybe even too big? His skin color is a little on the pale side, but his eyes look really great and have a lot of life which makes up for his corpse-like complexion.

Here's just a few quick photos in bad lighting; can't wait until this weekend when I can do a full photo shoot with natural light!

