Whoah - easy there

...of course Cap is noble in FA. But "in general" for me - because of the "conspiracy swamp" that goes on in TWS - to me it's in TWS that Cap shines all the brighter by comparison - even Nick Fury goes to him. There were people around in FA that were who they said they were - the commandos, the Colonel, Peggy, Erskine. You know who the enemy is.
But in TWS who can Cap trust? No-one seems to be who they're supposed to be - which I guess is the whole point, really. Even his innocent nurse pretty neighbor turns out to be an agent. Politicians are Hydra. His own strike team is perfectly prepared to gun him down in the street. PIERCE. Actually, when I think about it, TWS really is a nice lead-in to why Cap makes the choices he does in CW, after all of that..."we may not be perfect. But the safest hands are still our own..."