Nah, I totally get about the hair. TWS sculpt is beautiful - but just too mature, or something. Too modern. Unless I try under the Rescue helmet for a kitbash and sand the front part of the hair down. I don't know if I can stuff the TWS head - with sanding - into a spare Cap helmet either. And then kind of paint wash the skin for a smoother look e.g. un-do the realism a bit.
That's good about the shields - also since I started futzing for a quick pick - GA and WS holding up well so far re costume. Classic figs.Happy to have two "vintage" Caps, in the end. Eventually TFA will have his own WW2 display.
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Username posted some pictures in the Rescue Cap thread showing the TWS unmasked head on the Rescue Cap figure (post 2153). You'll need to use a dremel to cut off the hair for the helmet to fit though, so you'll be sanding for a while if you go that route.
Cool looking setup by the way (especially that snow base)! Nice to see you picked up the sniper rifle for Bucky too.