Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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I’m thankful I was a kid when I was introduced to Star Wars, and the timing of it was perfect too since Revenge of the Sith had already been out. Started with A New Hope, fell in love and begged to watch the rest of them. All in Release order. They will always be the core (and Toy Story).
Well, now... let's be reasonable... :lol
Have you actually watched any of that garbage? Its SO BAD.



I HIGHLY recommend watching it , for some perspective on Lucas and what he thinks SW is
So was it in Lucas' sale contract to never talk about or critique any of the material created by Disney?
And if so, does that have a non-disclosure type expiration date?
I would love to hear his actual opinion on what Disney has put out there. Or am I just missing, not seeing all the interviews/articles where he does talk about it (good or bad) ? Any links?

I know he publicly stated he had made some kind of peace with letting it all go. yet he's got to have an opinion on where they've steered the mythology and franchise.
Or is it a case of; if you can't say something nice, ...?
Personally I don't believe Lucas is very invested in it anymore. He was on the set of the Mandalorian to witness first hand how technology has finally caught up with his vision for the garage sized blockbuster factory (The "Volume"). He also had his picture taken with Grogu backstage and, if rumors are to be believed, even challenged him to a friendly game of Dejarik. So I guess it's fair to assume they've finally buried the hatchet...
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Have you actually watched any of that garbage? Its SO BAD.
LOL ... pretty sure he has. I remember them. The Ewok Adventure came out in 1984 when I was still a child and I was excited to see *anything* Star Wars related. I tuned in and enjoyed seeing that fantasy world brought back to life, but was also, if I'm remembering correctly ... frustrated that it wasn't really "Star Wars". The special TV event came and went, and I got on with being a kid. This was decades before things like Internet or bored, nostalgic adulthood would drive me to discuss this stuff ad nauseam from behind a keyboard.

The Holiday Special I was even younger for, of course, and I didn't actually know what I was seeing. :LOL: ... just again, feeling the bait and switch but too young to articulate it.

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I HIGHLY recommend watching it , for some perspective on Lucas and what he thinks SW is
You're not wrong. I don't think Lucas has ever had a firm handle on what it is. Star Wars was edited into success by his wife, ESB was directed into greatness by Irvin Kershner, and ROTJ rode on those coattails but the cracks had begun to show and ... we all know what happened next.

As much as I love this IP ... well select parts of it anyway ... in many ways it's always got too much credit for being something it never was, as if what it actually was isn't enough.
Have you actually watched any of that garbage? Its SO BAD.

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I have. In its day too. It was so bad, Star Wars became pretty 'uncool' for a period in the late 80's-early 90's (for everyone I knew)... until the announcement of the Prequels and the new Hasbro "He-Man" line of figures.
I have. In its day too. It was so bad, Star Wars became pretty 'uncool' for a period in the late 80's-early 90's (for everyone I knew)... until the announcement of the Prequels and the new Hasbro "He-Man" line of figures.
If it wasn't for the Internet and my sojourn into collecting a decade ago, all Star Wars would be for me would be some tired old quotes to whip out like a dad-joke from time to time, in the wake of a disappointing PT.

There were years and years I didn't really think about those movies or characters.
For me, Star Wars Original Saga will always be the constant core, and despite its flaws, it will always be the best, Lucas’s vision. Rogue One is top tier, and I enjoy TCW (mostly select arcs and S7 Siege of Mandalore finale) and Rebels (when I’m in the mood, Twilight of the Apprentice is best arc). For the Sequels, I enjoy most Rey and Kylo scenes, along with the nice visuals and music, aaaanndd that’s pretty much it. Fallen Order is cool too. I wasn’t largely exposed to video games or EU material but I respect it (KOTOR, TFU, BF, novels, EU designs, etc.).

Andor S1x6 is wonderful. Everything else, decent to eh.

The Mandalorian, crap.

Book of Boba Fett, crap.

Ahsoka, even worse crap. Terrible Rebels gang and Ahsoka translations to live-action.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, thanks Disney for ruining beloved legacy characters in Anakin/Vader and Obi-Wan.

Acolyte, just no. Didn’t watch and won’t ever.

Space Goonies, didn’t even bother.

Tales of the Jedi/Sith. I can take it once. No need to rewatch.

All in all, “Star Wars”, or what I love and deem my own personal headcanon, will always be the first love and will always be there. I know I’m not really contributing to the conversation here but felt like rambling lol
So when he was telling Luke "I have no approach vector, I'm not set!"

... let's say T-47s don't have vectored thrust, so he wasn't warning of engine malfunction, but saying he didn't have a heading which he was presumably expecting from some kind of tactical hub back at base directing the fighters.

Luke's ******* response is "Steady Dak!" followed by the decision to fly directly into the AT-AT group's cannon fire, instead of exploiting their limited firing arc via his squadron's superior speed and agility, resulting in immediate casualties. Luke, you stupid hick.
Don't blame Luke, Dak said he felt like he could take on the entire Empire himself and Luke gave him his chance. No takes-backsies about suddenly relying on approach vectors, lol.
So was it in Lucas' sale contract to never talk about or critique any of the material created by Disney?
And if so, does that have a non-disclosure type expiration date?
I would love to hear his actual opinion on what Disney has put out there. Or am I just missing, not seeing all the interviews/articles where he does talk about it (good or bad) ? Any links?
According to Bob Iger's tell-all book they originally had a "do not disparage" clause in the contact of the sale but George refused to sign it. Bob said that George verbally reassured him that he wouldn't go off about the new movies though because he apparently owns a ton of Disney stock. So the movies tanking would literally cost George money.

That still hasn't stopped him from letting his sentiments be known through the Charlie Rose interview and other online videos. He always seems to draw a clear distinction between "my six films" and the Disney stuff. He *never* just refers to it as "the Saga" or "the story" anymore.
I have. In its day too. It was so bad, Star Wars became pretty 'uncool' for a period in the late 80's-early 90's (for everyone I knew)... until the announcement of the Prequels and the new Hasbro "He-Man" line of figures.
Glad to see someone remembers that!

Then again, I picked up the Kenner Shuttle , B wing , Y wing , Yak Face with coin and just about every figure for bargin basement prices.

I still remember I got the shuttle for 16.99, along the back wall on clearance, and the B-wing was 12.99.

They stayed in the box till I sold them shortly before the ST for a bundle .....
Glad to see someone remembers that!

Then again, I picked up the Kenner Shuttle , B wing , Y wing , Yak Face with coin and just about every figure for bargin basement prices.

I still remember I got the shuttle for 16.99, along the back wall on clearance, and the B-wing was 12.99.

They stayed in the box till I sold them shortly before the ST for a bundle .....

Yep, that was a glory time to grab the old stuff while still cheap at the shows (back then). I started collecting the old Star Wars stuff around 1990-1991. Thought it would be a fun display one day when I grew up and had an office. Got all the old Raiders figures too...
According to Bob Iger's tell-all book they originally had a "do not disparage" clause in the contact of the sale but George refused to sign it. Bob said that George verbally reassured him that he wouldn't go off about the new movies though because he apparently owns a ton of Disney stock. So the movies tanking would literally cost George money.

That still hasn't stopped him from letting his sentiments be known through the Charlie Rose interview and other online videos. He always seems to draw a clear distinction between "my six films" and the Disney stuff. He *never* just refers to it as "the Saga" or "the story" anymore.
Glass houses kinda comments to me.
Glass houses kinda comments to me.
Yeah, it's easy for us to wish that George had never handed things over to Disney but based on his post-ESB track record what evidence do we really have that he would have made anything coming even remotely close to the quality of Rogue One. Or seasons 1 and 2 of Mando. Many would include Andor as well.

So let's see after ESB, George made ROTJ (mixed bag), the OT:SE's (net loss) and the PT and Clone Wars. None of those compare to RO. So at least we got *something* as good or better than ROTJ after all these years. Sure current SW is a joke but we can just ignore it and enjoy all the stuff that we actually do like.
According to Bob Iger's tell-all book they originally had a "do not disparage" clause in the contact of the sale but George refused to sign it. Bob said that George verbally reassured him that he wouldn't go off about the new movies though because he apparently owns a ton of Disney stock. So the movies tanking would literally cost George money.
Ok, thanks! That is interesting to know there was a clause, and he wouldn't sign it.
Yet as you indicate, makes sense, he wouldn't disparage any of it, as he's still monetrilly invested.
That still hasn't stopped him from letting his sentiments be known through the Charlie Rose interview and other online videos. He always seems to draw a clear distinction between "my six films" and the Disney stuff. He *never* just refers to it as "the Saga" or "the story" anymore.
Yeah the 2015 Charlie Rose interview is where I was referencing he'd made some kind of peace with letting it all go.
I know he publicly stated he had made some kind of peace with letting it all go.
It's the only thing I heard him say, yet was curious if there was anything since?
I guess not (unless there are any forthcoming links? Interviews?
Not likely, If as he implies in that interview, for his own sanity he doesn't follow any of it.

Which is to bad, cause I would love to hear his thoughts on it, where the "mythology" has differed on what he imagined.
And mostly his thoughts on Andor, Gilroy's more adult methodical take, if that's something he'd even enjoy?

Ok, thanks! That is interesting to know there was a clause, and he wouldn't sign it.
Yet as you indicate, makes sense, he wouldn't disparage any of it, as he's still monetrilly invested.

Yeah the 2015 Charlie Rose interview is where I was referencing he'd made some kind of peace with letting it all go.

It's the only thing I heard him say, yet was curious if there was anything since?
I guess not (unless there are any forthcoming links? Interviews?
Not likely, If as he implies in that interview, for his own sanity he doesn't follow any of it.

Which is to bad, cause I would love to hear his thoughts on it, where the "mythology" has differed on what he imagined.
And mostly his thoughts on Andor, Gilroy's more adult methodical take, if that's something he'd even enjoy?
In this 2023 video meeting George did with some high schoolers he made sure they all understood that Disney has gone down a road he never intended and that the current Saga is very much apart from the six films that he created. He obviously considers his story to be timeless compared to the modern identity politics so prevalent in the new canon.

Hadn't seen that, oh yeah, while he doesn't reference anything specifically he definitely disowned or disassociated from the direction or "path" of anything Disney has put out.
Again thanks for sharing
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