HTs rep going down? hmmm, well if anything they are more popular than ever because they are now more known world wide. At Toy Fairs people flock to their displays Last year their were lines out the doors trying to get the new Batman, Predator and other figures. And thats why quantities is up on each figure too, more and more want them. But if your talking QC that is a whole other debatable issue that people talk about to death and i dont need to go into.
Enterbay does amazing work, but not everyone wants figures at 1/4 size. 1/6 size has been popular for decades with all kinds of dolls. Its just a more desirable size world wide. Also cost. HTs is around $200 now, Enterbay is around $400. Enterbay may someday get bigger than HTs, who knows, but right now HTs is the more popular and they will remain popular for a long long time.