Noland Ronald (Air Cav) is one awsome and intresting charachter. He was the most important charachter along with Royce. He GAVE detailed descriptions on the environment they had woken up to (The Planet), and gave very detailed descriptions of the preds themselves and that there was 2 kinds involved in a blood fued. He did HAVE a very important role. If you guy's still don't undertand Noland's charachter concept, then shut the ____ up.Having been on the planet 7-10 seasons I can only imagine what his adventure experience felt like. That is what Robert Rodriguez (Producer) and Nimrod Antal (one fantastic director who did a phenominal job on Predators, had in-talks that they were going to discover Noland even further in a prequel. A sequel would later tell the events. So either-or direction is fine. BEFORE he got blown up, he gave the new group some intake on what they were in for. Even if it was ____ing 30 seconds you idiots, and he had said all that before his demise, STILL important- charachter role. King Willy in Predator 2 1990 had even less screen time than Ronald, and people seem to love his charachter. ( O because its Predator 2 1990 its a classic) GTFO here. Damn Hipocrits who would contradict themselves in a latter future topic endeavor. Laurance Fishburne is a iconic and reconizable actor on top of all that which makes this iconic figure as it is even more iconic. He's good at what he does, and he does it well. His charachter in Predators was Iconic. As they all ____ing say, (Opinions), We'll GOOD RIDDANCE to that. I'm a long time Predator fan, I know whats cool whats good whats not cool whats not good. I KNOW. AND Noland was AMAZING. But if the whole damn band is going to jump on the same wagon, GOOD RIDDANCE to you guys. Happy Hot Toys is making him, if you guys don't like it, make your eye's bleed then move on to your _____'s for all I care. Just go complain else were not here even though this is a forum. I have a better ideal, if you surley want to complain, 2 things don't do it at all or complain to your teacher, see if He or She is intrested. AND Amen to THAT!!!!. !!!!.