You guys that somewhat bash the film or give its negativepoints with little or none positive points have even watched the film again sinse its release???? Iv'e heard by many on youtube liked the film more in the 2nd going. Tracker DID NOT know Nickoli had c4 explosives as you can tell by his final grunt before it went off. ( Got you now... o ____) Yes maybe he could of scanned him, but we don't know exactley if he did. I give tracker the slide and accepted that has a good scene. Falconer arrogant???? BS. He wanted a fight by the hands. Hanzo faster? Did you even re-read what you wrote? Maybe he can run fast if that's what you meant. I also accepted that as a good scene. Something that was in P2 similar but you got the more goods in this 1. Falconer did not die, just knocked out. You guys need to watch the Blu-ray extras. Alot of interesting say from the studio that is worth hearing. "Predators is not a remake but an expansion set in another time world were the human "predators" are the hunted." Yes there were a couple nods that were nice throwbacks to the series. Give the damn movie a break if you dislike it that much which is hard to belive a good handful would. Predator 2 1990/ Predators 2010, that's 20 damn long years. Unless you guys want to be in your late old years for the next sequal. Put up and just enjoy it. Appreciate it for what it was, a epic R-rated Predator gore film with a story continuation. But overall-Continuation. Lets just hope Prometheus is getting the R too because right now, its not going that way. .