Hot Toys - MMS169 - The Avengers: 1/6th scale Nick Fury

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He doesn't look any different in Cap 2, but who knows? It's too bad Hawkeye wasn't in the new Cap movie, they would certainly make that figure.
I just got this guy.. Very nice figure. I love how the coat is wired and posable and the rocket launcher is excellent.

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I put off getting Fury for a whole year and finally decided to pull the trigger on him last week. The likeness is slightly off but it's still a great figure to have the collection.

It's an underrated figure. We may never get another one, so it's great they went bananas with the avengers licence for the first movie.

I agree. The only way I see them putting out a new Fury is if his role and wardrobe change drastically now that shield is no more. I'm leaning towards them not releasing any more Fury's so I pulled the trigger in this one. I was able to talking the seller down a bit so that helped lessen the sting.

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I just picked him up on ebay. Does anyone display him without the jacket? does it look any good?

Were you the one that won it for $395? If so I bid on it but went waayyyy more than I wanted to pay.
Were you the one that won it for $395? If so I bid on it but went waayyyy more than I wanted to pay.

yeah, i paid a little bit more than I expected to, but I still got it for right around the lowest I've seen it go for in the states lately... I wanted it, and it isn't getting any cheaper.
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yeah, i paid a little bit more than I expected to, but I still got it for right around the lowest I've seen it go for in the states lately... I wanted it, and it isn't getting any cheaper.

Thats good to hear. Nick Fury isnt a must have so I have a self imposed limit on what im willing to spend on him(Hawkeye was a different story though). If he was a must have for you congrats and enjoy your new acquisition.
Thats good to hear. Nick Fury isnt a must have so I have a self imposed limit on what im willing to spend on him(Hawkeye was a different story though). If he was a must have for you congrats and enjoy your new acquisition.

I'm trying to pick up older ones sooner because I've noticed a lot of them rise in price pretty quickly over the past 6 months or so, so i'm just getting while the getting is as cheap as it will be. I've also picked up Red Skull recently as i've noticed a spike in price for him as well... Next on my list is Bane and DX joker 2.0.
I would like a hawkeye as well, but the aftermarket prices are insane for him, and I honestly don't care for Renners hawkeye so I don't expect to ever own the original because I would never pay those prices for him... But i'm sure there will be an Age of Ultron version with the long jacket, which I will snatch up in a second... others may not like that look, but it's better than his other look IMO.
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