The only way I see them releasing a new Fury is if his wardrobe changes so I think this release will be your only shot at the jacket. With that said.. Go ahead and buy mine off me!
I just snagged Coulson, but I'm strongly debating on waiting to see if we get a new Nick Fury with the next Avengers. From what I've seen of online photos, I'm not totally sold on the head sculpt of the current one. It looks like Samuel L. Jackson, but something seems a little off. Like his head is too round or something? Not sure. But, I will be bummed if the next one doesn't come with the sweet jacket.
He had a couple different outfits in winter soldier... I was kinda upset we got another Black Widow but not a Nick with his office casual. Could have even made a post Hydra Fury without the eye patch and the salvation army clothing too.
This is true. I think he has to have a bigger role in the movie for a figure to get made. All he really did was get shot in this movie. Hopefully he has a meaningful role in the next Avengers movie.
FURY ON SALE $300 - check Marketplace!
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I know right! What is going on? I need this dude to sell to buy an anniversary gift but Noooooooooooo! Lol
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