Super Freak
Thanks for the links Viking Spawn!
I reckon a dab of superglue will sort him out though
I reckon a dab of superglue will sort him out though
Diggin' the pose man. And the photograph quality as well. You using a light box?
Thanks zip!
Not this time. Just good 'ol natural lighting.
It's not for everyone.Pretty messed up pose IM0
Not BSing, but looks very unnatural and unfitting.
Did OMG do a picture review of Fury? I can't find it anywhere.
here:I could've sworn he did... but I can't seem to find it either. Weird...
I got a Fury Tesseract Case today!
It's wicked cool but the little red keypad seems pretty faint. I checked some pics and it looks like it should be brighter. Is there a fix for that? Don't think it's weak batteries as everything else if very bright.
Did OMG do a picture review of Fury? I can't find it anywhere.
Anyone here have the instructions -- what battery type is for the tesseract case?