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old men throwing it down
I'm looking for a HT shipper box for this. Anyone have an extra they want to sell?
What's a fair price to sell a displayed Cap in great condition, only issue is a broken snap on the hood?
Cap really looks like he doesn't want to be there. :lol

That's what I get for taking the pic below his line of sight, didn't notice until after I took the picture haha. I actually just reposed Cap so maybe I'll take a pic of his new look.
Anyone else have trouble posing cap because of his suit restricting movement?

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Hey guys need some help, I sent a cap to a member here in a trade and the front belt buckle arrived broken... I cant see how this happened as it was packed properly and couldn't have shifted or anything, has anyone else had a similar thing happen to theirs? if you have pics of what the damage my look like id love to see it, I thought the buckle was all one piece so I just dont see how it could have broken, any help would be great
so here's a wierd question. I see a lot of people posing their Capt. America with the shield on his left hand and I currently have it on his right. Which hand does he normally hold the shield with? I may just have to watch the movie again...

so here's a wierd question. I see a lot of people posing their Capt. America with the shield on his left hand and I currently have it on his right. Which hand does he normally hold the shield with? I may just have to watch the movie again...

If he is in close or fighting, he holds it in his left to cover his body while he either uses a gun or punches people with his right hand.
Cap is right handed, so he needs to keep his right hand free for a weapon of punching.
If he is talking or about to throw the shield, he holds it in his right.
Generally he holds it in his left. I just checked the entire movie. There are only a couple of times he holds it in his right. And about ten times where he holds it in his left(I always display mine holding the shield on the left)

Hey guys need some help, I sent a cap to a member here in a trade and the front belt buckle arrived broken... I cant see how this happened as it was packed properly and couldn't have shifted or anything, has anyone else had a similar thing happen to theirs? if you have pics of what the damage my look like id love to see it, I thought the buckle was all one piece so I just dont see how it could have broken, any help would be great

Hmmm. I'd call it bull unless he sent pics. It's one piece so unless someone opened the box before he got it, used a set of fine bolt cutters to cut the metal of the buckle, resealed it and sent it on, it has to have been as you sent it.
If the buckle is broken "After he got it", HE broke it trying to open it.
Hey guys need some help, I sent a cap to a member here in a trade and the front belt buckle arrived broken... I cant see how this happened as it was packed properly and couldn't have shifted or anything, has anyone else had a similar thing happen to theirs? if you have pics of what the damage my look like id love to see it, I thought the buckle was all one piece so I just dont see how it could have broken, any help would be great

Everything Username said but I hope you took pictures of it before you sent it to him.
If he is in close or fighting, he holds it in his left to cover his body while he either uses a gun or punches people with his right hand.
Cap is right handed, so he needs to keep his right hand free for a weapon of punching.
If he is talking or about to throw the shield, he holds it in his right.
Generally he holds it in his left. I just checked the entire movie. There are only a couple of times he holds it in his right. And about ten times where he holds it in his left(I always display mine holding the shield on the left)

Hmmm. I'd call it bull unless he sent pics. It's one piece so unless someone opened the box before he got it, used a set of fine bolt cutters to cut the metal of the buckle, resealed it and sent it on, it has to have been as you sent it.
If the buckle is broken "After he got it", HE broke it trying to open it.

It's metal!? did not know that... well now im curious
Everything Username said but I hope you took pictures of it before you sent it to him.

Nope :lol usually I do but this was a trade so I didn't have to go through paypal... in hindsight I should have, but he's a good guy so hopefully we can resolve this, I feel bad that it was damaged but I cant for the life of me fathom how.

Thanks guys