I was actually talking about how he looked in the first Avengers. Didn't look nearly as big to me. Unless they didn't have him bulk up as much for that film.
I was actually talking about how he looked in the first Avengers. Didn't look nearly as big to me. Unless they didn't have him bulk up as much for that film.
I was actually talking about how he looked in the first Avengers. Didn't look nearly as big to me. Unless they didn't have him bulk up as much for that film.
I've read that any scenes that require him to be bulked up (like the helicopter scene in Civil War) are shot first because he's fresh from the gym and that he tends to lose size and weight throughout the shoot.
He seemed pretty big at the time, but after seeing how ridiculously huge guys like Cavill and Affleck would later become, it probably does look less impressive now.
Still though, I think once you removed the dorky helmet he looked pretty great in that suit. And I'm looking forward to seeing it on screen again.
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Honestly I don't think it looks any better with the ears showing. The bigger problem was just with how small and tight the helmet was around his head, and how it made his lower face look round and puffy.
The wider and more angular helmets that followed were a whole lot more flattering on him.
What were they thinking.
Wish HT would produce one of the black concepts from the Art of Marvel books. I remember seeing the first pics of IW posters and being super stoked, alas...no.