Get Cap 2.0 from A4.
How sure are we, that HT is really gunna release 2.0 of anything from ENDGAME? With all the new designs from not only this film, but others as well, and unreleased Figs still in the pipeline from MCU and other properties , how are they even gunna have time to get back to redue or release any of these old figs? I’m not teying to burst any bubbles, just wanting to ask a real question about this!
Isn’t the resurrection of a an old figure thread when a film releases and have it be abuzz, sort of a spoiler in itself?
I remember the Red Skull figure thread being resurrected as well when IW released. Spoiler alert: he returns.
Normally I’d agree, but it’s been pretty widely known that this suit was in the movie for a while now.
Did anyone else notice how 2012 A1 Cap in EG had a clean, pristine suit and shield when present Cap encountered him after the BoNY? His shield should have been beat to ****, and his suit battle damaged. I don’t think he should have had his mask either, if I recall.
Yeah good point, totally forgot about that. Although I do think they were pretty accurate as to all the post-fight battle damage when we first see them gathered in Tony's building, so maybe we're just meant to believe that Cap changed into another clean suit right away for some reason.
I have the feeling this particular figure is going to be quite desired after Endgame.