Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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Its ironic that this figure may become crazy rare in the future due to the lack of buyers and the QC issues. Could be like a lottery ticket. Or not, who knows
When mine arrives it will be going straight up for sale, not so much that i dislike the figure just that i need the money to cover my month of mapping for my degree. My future takes priority.
When mine arrives it will be going straight up for sale, not so much that i dislike the figure just that i need the money to cover my month of mapping for my degree. My future takes priority.


Unfortunate for your collection so commiserations, but YAY YOU for the bettering of yourself! But then, you can pick this up later, after qualification and decent employment.

It's win/win really!

Unfortunate for your collection so commiserations, but YAY YOU for the bettering of yourself! But then, you can pick this up later, after qualification and decent employment.

It's win/win really!

Yeah, although by then i can get the ASM2 figure so may even be better
:pray:im hoping I get mine back from hot toys before Christmas!!

it is an awesome fig, best spidey fig out imo
Just got mine last week. The headsculpt isn't perfect but I still really like it and put together a custom peter parker.. still need a jacket for him though
Getting charged Dec. 31. So much for having this before Christmas.

EDIT: Just got another email, now its the 30th:thud:
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Same Here just got my 14 day notice. Were off new years day so, I'm estimating i'll have him in hand on the 4th of Jan.
From sideshow I see them processing payment on the 30th then waiting after holidays to ship. Maybe get this by the 8th or 9th
I'd like to get this figure, but I don't see paying over $200 for it; there's just not enough included to justify it. I'll wait for it to be widely released and see if I can pick it up cheaper on EBay.
Or... New Year, Old Spidey, New Spidey movie, New Spidey figure 2 years away! Yay!

I'm good with this one, and now I know that when I order Hot Toys figures, it may take longer than a human baby to be delivered (Ordered mine 10 months ago).

Honestly, I don't care though - I'm looking forward to it, the waiting is almost over, and its a cool figure!

It is too bad that they can't time the figures to coincide with the release of a movie, but I guess there's no way since elements in movies change as they're being developed, and Hot Toys would have to make any changes along with the film... does beg the question though, how do all the other toy companies manage to get toys out to coincide with a movie release - and if they can do it, why can't Hot Toys?

I think other companies don't put the time and effort into their products like HT does. Have you seen the super hero toys lately that are mass produced and peg warming at Walmart, TRU, etc? Definitely geared toward younger people and playability. Most look terrible IMO. Not something a hard core high end collector would want. Would be nice if HT could release their stuff in time for the DVD at least! :dunno