Username, does Hot Toys make longer neck barbells? Both my Stark and Peter Parker bash suffer from SNS. (short neck syndrome) Or is blu tack the only way to go?
Some of the newer heads have the ball joint connector further up into the neck.
There's a neck that was on the TTM15 and TTM16(Obama, and the unshaven dude from Prison Break), that has the slightly longer neck and peg. I recommended that to a member here a few weeks back for his 191 Tony head to attach it to his MKVII armour.
It is also used on the HT Ryo Saeba figure. And you can attach the head either all the way onto the ball or just half on(It's still tightly on, but not seated all the way down), if you need the head to sit higher.
It might be the thing you are looking for.
If not, there are other longer neck alternatives on Ebay.