I know it sucks that everyone else's debuted already but Hulk, but look at the situation. They cranked out 7 Avengers figures in a relatively short span, plus 3 Con exclusives, 2 new Batman figures, Amazing Spiderman, who knows what else in the time we've known Hulk's coming, HT is clearly very busy and perhaps a bit behind. That, coupled with Hulk being an R&D project and not just a typical HT figure will mean slower revelation. I imagine it's hard trying to maximize figure qualities while also keeping true to a realsitic depiction of him. Joints like Diamond Select would solve problems of posability but most collectors would stick their noses up at such obvious articulation, so HT is stuck figuring out how to make him posable and look good because his mass means not being able to just use the same structure as their regular human muscle bodies, his biceps and all. I don't think he's going to take forever to come out and I'm not surprise we're still waiting. Also, Avengers is coming out on BR/DVD in September, so at this point, why not save him for fanfare with that release, he doesn't need the hype but sure would make it an exciting time.