Hot Toys - MMS186 - The Avengers: HULK (Pics & Specs)

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

I don't think he will have rubber elbow joints, or else they would have sculpted his arms unbent.
Seeing the body you best believe they are going to reuse it for Solomon Grundy. I will be picking this up since I passed on Cap,Hawkeye, and Fury.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

this is not the product guys, this is just the model they're basing it on. remember joesph sculpting avatar and predator?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

That's a work base, there are actually three. The two in the back have a make shift scaffolding to hold the sculpture up as clay that thick and big can be very heavy. People this is a WIP not the final figure.

Watch HT give him regular figure stand which he can't even use :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

Looks awesome....look at the detail in the toes!!!!amazing.

in the Howard Chan interview...isnt he still far far off??hard to tell from that interview as it didnt really make much sense,LOL
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

Looks like a bloody statue. So piontless
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

This is obviously a clay sculpt tinted green on photoshop, the armature in the back is holding the clay in position. I bet Joseph Tsang is working on him, looks like his style of armature.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

This looks pretty good so far, so at least we know it will have some articulation at least!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

Exactly. The recent interview with Howard said they didn't get the correct Hulk reference material until very recently. They are still early in the prototype process and haven't gotten all of the articulation made yet - just the body sculpt mostly. So I'm not worried at all. He looks great size wise and will have probably the same amout of articulation as a normal muscle body.

And they are releasing the WIP pic because he is still going to be a ways off. We'll probably see Thor, BW, IM VII, and Loki before he is finished.

They did say he was going to be light on accessories so hopefully he isn't Monger price. Maybe more Avatar priced.
That's really great to know. I jumped the gun in the Avengers thread - which is a little embarrassing, because usually I try to be a little more level headed than that with my general observations on things. :lol

It's just that Hulk is one of my all time faves, & I'd be extremely disappointed if the figure fell short where it counted.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

____ing ______s, Fair Weather Marvel Poseurs,Do not buy this figure !!!!If you never read a Marvel Comic you shouldnt be allowed to post in this thread.Leave this board please.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: HULK

Clue: you are small in the pants.
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