Hot Toys - MMS187 - X-Men: The Last Stand: Wolverine

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There will be no X-Men line if they keep up the ridiculous pricing. Not many will order. :lol

It's the fault of everyone who buys year-old figures for $350 or more. HT and SS see what goes on in the secondary market. How can they not think they're undervaluing their products? They're testing us now. The prices will keep going up until the drop off in orders costs them more than the price increase makes them.
The worst part is im sure SS (if not HT) can see all the complaints about prices soaring with every new release, and they dont even make any effort to give an explanation?
Id love to see a report of their sales to see how much its dropping per month.
I love my HT's and SS stuff, but i think ill be done after this year.
Hobby finished. and all because of prices.
It's the fault of everyone who buys year-old figures for $350 or more. HT and SS see what goes on in the secondary market. How can they not think they're undervaluing their products? They're testing us now. The prices will keep going up until the drop off in orders costs them more than the price increase makes them.


The worst part is im sure SS (if not HT) can see all the complaints about prices soaring with every new release, and they dont even make any effort to give an explanation?
Id love to see a report of their sales to see how much its dropping per month.
I love my HT's and SS stuff, but i think ill be done after this year.
Hobby finished. and all because of prices.

Me too. Luckily theres only a few figures left that I want. FU Hot toys!!!:mad::gah:
This figure is priced at modern DX pricing....and no DX features or extra value. HT has hit a new high in what you pay for vs. what you get.
Pay it if you, for me the sculpt is sub-par and makes the price that much more a joke.
In a way, I hope you're right. I'm pretty tired of the endless price increases with each and every single new release. It's unsustainable and unreasonable.

In any case, I'm done with HT and honestly, I'm actually relieved. :lol
Isn't it amazing to say this, let alone think it to myself ,but yes I can walk away now and not feel regret
If some of you feel this way the long predicted implosion of HT/1/6 collecting is very near............

Pretty much my thoughts exactly.

I saw the pics and thought, thank god there are still some basic figures being released. Not everything needs to be super DX, one million accessory figures in a gigantic box.

Then I saw the price and realized that apparently now basic figures cost more than those super deluxe sets :rotfl
Nexth DX figure the price be $340.00!! I think is time for me to stop collecting this figures...after the Avengers line is over for me.
...and I remember just pay $156.00 for the Wolverine :Origins from SSC and now is almost like $90.00 on top!!! is CRAZY!!!
I was thinking about cancelling my DX Luke but that now looks like the deal of the century in light of these last few hits.

I wonder if it's because they see how much XO Wolverine still fetches?
Omg $235 :lol. Was on the fence, but definately not getting it now
I was thinking about cancelling my DX Luke but that now looks like the deal of the century in light of these last few hits.

I wonder if it's because they see how much XO Wolverine still fetches?

Two figures plus a playset. I think that one was always a great deal.
I think the moral of the story here is **** Hot Toys and **** Sideshow. We should start our own company, with hookers and blackjack.

In all seriousness though, I wish there were more companies out there supplying high end collectibles. Hot Toys and Sideshow basically have a monopoly over this hobby. Who is their competition? Enterbay? Bowen?... come on.
:lol The ironic thing of all you guys passing on pre-ordering this in favor of getting him cheaper 'down the line' are only going to make him worth more, not less later on. They make these to fill pre-orders. If only 10 people pre-order him, they might make 15, but 500 people actually want him, so after those 10 that pre-ordered get theirs and the 5 in stock ones are sold, the other 85 are going to get desperate and will easily pay more than retail for him.

How do I know this? Thats what happened to the original Wolverine. Low numbers were made because 'he doesn't look like Jackman' and 'he costs too much' and now we all know how that turned out. So if you want a deal in the future, pre-order it now and canel before he ships so they make that many more of them :duh