Super Freak
The only thing that really changed with time was my opinion on Resurrection. Now I realize just how unnecessary it really is.

The only thing that really changed with time was my opinion on Resurrection. Now I realize just how unnecessary it really is.
I thought Alien was a snoozefest when I was thirteen too. Then I grew up and realized just how much of a masterpiece it really is. Most well-made film of the franchise. Both franchises, actually. The designs, the score, the flawless acting, the suspense, etc. The absolute perfect science fiction/horror film.
But Aliens has lots o' action and cheesy dialogue ya know.
It's really hard for me to make this list so I won't bother. But goose how can u put alien ahead of aliens, alien is great sci fi but it is such a snooze fest, while aliens is still a blast to watch and stands the test of time just like predator.
If alien is 'just another sci fi movie' to you, then it's understandable why you wouldn't like it.
To me it's the perfect blend of horror and science fiction, blended together with an incredible cast and great actors. Sorry it isn't the guns blazin', loud one-liners soldiers shootin' bugs in space that you wanted.
I never said I didn't like it. It's really well done it's just not as exciting to watch to me as aliens. I just like the space marines and plot much better. Some people like dramas, some like action it's nothing to take personally dude. We arnt talkin about each others kids or wives here![]()
Aliens is a great movie, but it's not a masterpiece by any means. It's the most iconic film in the franchise, I'll grant you that. I'd say Alien has inspired more science fiction films than Aliens, but as for video games you have to realize that Aliens is a shoot'em up film with marines, guns, military vehicles and lots of explosions. Of course it's going to inspire more video games.Typical snob elitist responseI already explained what i meant by saying that and that i like the movie, but i guess I will go tell James Cameron his sci fi masterpiece that inspired countless games movies and science fiction in general is a bunch action and cheesy diolague for 13 year olds
Damn you would think in an avp figure thread you could make an argument for liking aliens over alienavp and aliens are the same genre imo where as avp and alien are not. Apparently if you like sci fi action flicks you are 13, I feel like I am trying to explain my opinion to a regurgitated film critic review.
Yeah you're not a 13-year-old for liking Aliens, you're a 13-year-old for calling Alien a snoozefest.![]()
Lar'ja u are wrong there. Aliens is every bit as much a masterpiece as alien it's just in a different genre, u can have an a sci fi action flic masterpiece. Camerons space marines are sci fi military genius that's one of the reasins why people love this movie as a classic. Silasya77 just said he loves alien how you do, but he agrees that aliens is more rewatchable, I don't know about u but when doing a list of movies I luv, I go by the ones I like to watch the most when ranking my favorites. Alien is definitely on my list tho and far from last.
Mehyou are an 8 year old for calling someone a 13 year old for their opinion of a movie u like
Lar'ja u are wrong there. Aliens is every bit as much a masterpiece as alien it's just in a different genre, u can have an a sci fi action flic masterpiece. Camerons space marines are sci fi military genius that's one of the reasins why people love this movie as a classic. Silasya77 just said he loves alien how you do, but he agrees that aliens is more rewatchable, I don't know about u but when doing a list of movies I luv, I go by the ones I like to watch the most when ranking my favorites. Alien is definitely on my list tho and far from last.
Pretty much. Fortunately Ridley's back.Its funny as great as Aliens was, Cameron can be blamed for (IMO) the demise of the Xenomorph creature in later films. Cameron treatment of the Alien evolved into insects/bugs/animals (Queen & workers). It was cool for that movie but adopted by others into "shoot em up" which in the end proved to make them props to be killed.
How am i attacking it? You are saying all the same points i was making, i never tried to say it was an intelectual art film. A masterpiece in the sci fi action flic genre would not be an art film.Cameron is a crowd-pleaser and the reason Aliens went down in history is precisely because it was an action flick with kickass effects and cheesy dialogue. This movie was the source of the "badass space marine" stereotype and went on to inspire countless other films and games. Not saying it's not a masterpiece; it is, but the reasons why are the very ones you're attacking. It was meant to be a wild and entertaining ride, not an intellectual art film. That's where its strength lies.
Its funny as great as Aliens was, Cameron can be blamed for (IMO) the demise of the Xenomorph creature
I for one absolutely love camerons version of the alien waaaaaaaaaay more then ridleys. But hey to each their own![]()
I think their both great. On a side note you could feel when Prometheus came onboard we had a sense that the "Alien franchise" would be taken seriously again. Now if it was achieved or not is another discussion.
The whole point of the alien in the first film was to show that it is, in fact, perfect. "Perfect organism".Or the perfection of the xenomorphDepending on your opinion. I for one absolutely love camerons version of the alien waaaaaaaaaay more then ridleys. But hey to each their own