Ok so I loved the reflective aspect of the symbol of hope for man of steel so this is what I came up with and did the gauntlet repaint as well. I apologize for the blurry pics, just took them on my phone as the camera is broke.
For those interested, the symbol was done with a light layer of tamiya clear red to darken first, then a mixture of createx pearlized red and tamiya flat aluminum with some createx transparent red to get the right tint of metallic red I wanted. The pearlized by itself came out too pink. This was done with multiple applications of dry brushing.
Gauntlets were done with a mixture of testors pearlized blue and Tamiya flat aluminum dry brushed in light layers as well. Ofcourse all paints were acrylic as these plastics are too soft to attempt enamels.
So what do you guys think? It was hard to try and capture the reflectiveness of the symbol with out the light glare, so I took one without the light on and I think you can really see how well it reflects even with the light off!!!