Super Freak
Hasn't shipped to the US yet, all of the reviews you're seeing is of figures purchased from or through HK. Next month is a pretty good guess.
OK about 3 minutes into that review it's already clear why Dave might not endorse Clipper's reviews![]()
Here's Clipper's review. Don't know if anyone post it already..
TheClipperKing is back! Dont ever change bro your reviews are good ****.
Sorry man, I don't think Clipper's ever coming back to SF. He said in his review he just started his own one-sixth forum.
I don't know that review was over 50mins and only 15mins of it involved actual figures reviewing to me.
LOL the first 3.5 minutes of clippers review. Gets his digs in... I like his reviews, don't always agree with his scoring but WTF, entertaining nonetheless.
Hasn't shipped to the US yet, all of the reviews you're seeing is of figures purchased from or through HK. Next month is a pretty good guess.
that one is particularly uglytsanged in mouth area. so stupid and lame.
everyone who thinks it looks like a movie character is just ignorant )
What I like about Clipper's reviews is he completely goes against the stereotype of the toy collector, which a lot of other youtube reviewers.....errrr, don't.
That said, he probably went a little too far in that review![]()
Anyone know what the deal is with him being banned from this site? Wasnt aware he was.....just thought he simply never posted. Bummer.
He doesnt stop there,a few more digs throughout the video but Id be pissy too if I were kicked out of two forums simultaneously.But Im with you I dont always agree with his scoring but he is very entertaining imo and his reviews are very thorough,probably my favorite reviewer at this point.
What I like about Clipper's reviews is he completely goes against the stereotype of the toy collector, which a lot of other youtube reviewers.....errrr, don't.
What I like about Clipper's reviews is he completely goes against the stereotype of the toy collector, which a lot of other youtube reviewers.....errrr, don't.
That said, he probably went a little too far in that review![]()
Anyone know what the deal is with him being banned from this site? Wasnt aware he was.....just thought he simply never posted. Bummer.
I'm interested in this as well. Did something occur in a particular thread? Or is this some sort of response to his reviews?
To be honest, I'd never watched one of his reviews until Denny Kim went ballistic about him. I sought out his Facebook page expecting to see something truly horrible. What I got was a thoroughly entertaining (albeit extremely long-winded) review.I actually found his style to be fair, if unrefined. Since then, I've watched three of them. They're fun to have on in the background at work.