Super Freak
I'm looking forward to seeing how Cap looks without the padding. Hopefully without it he gets that v-shape back.
I detest the padded undersuits HT keep using. I prefer to strip them down and sculpt the muscle groups onto the figure. Plus None of the padded undersuits give you LATS and for a lot of the figures that Is a Key part of their built, next to biceps, shoulders and triceps. Have that Strong "V" look then with sculpted lats.
You also keep articulation and once suit is on works a damn sight better without being PUFFY looking.
Now waiting for my S.T.R.I.K.E. Cap to do the Body Mods too.
This and my Super Soldier comic Rogers are my two favorite uniforms so Very Happy they did not screw up the S.T.R.I.K.E. uniform.
this can be fixed just take a small exacto knife make a small incision along the top inner edge of the fat suit pull out the mid torso stuffing, while leaving the upper stuffing for bunker chest and lower part to fill out hips, the mid section will be narrow and more defined. Just a thought
What is it with all these white knights coming to HT's rescue lately? It's a really annoying trend. I don't see anyone with negative comments about the figure crapping on those who are positive. People have every right to criticize (big or small) a release if there's something about it that they're unhappy with. With every new release comes people who are either cool with it or not cool with it. Yes these are toys but they're expensive toys. If someone is paying $300 for something, they deserve to express their concerns or dissatisfaction. I'll never understand how someone finding faults with a figure bothers some people so much. If you're happy with the final product, then what do you care if a stranger isn't? If no one complained about a company's products, then that company would put out crap. Why bother putting money and time into a product if people will buy it regardless?
Personally I think everyone should have their say, but it becomes annoying if someone goes on and on about it. There's certain people that will still complain about a figure they didn't like months or years after it's released. After I've read their critique a dozen times, I don't need to see it again. I think the threads would flow a lot better if people said their piece (over a reasonable number of posts and with back and forth when warranted) and then moved on. It's like the movie threads where you have a couple people that hate X movie and just won't let it go. Very boring and sometimes annoying to read.
But I used the comparison to show that he wasn't way too skinny. Not as skinny as how I feel you & others might be feeling about it anyway.
Saying he's scrawny (that literally means unattractively thin and bony) sounds overboard to me. I might like a bit more shape here & there, but I feel it can display on my shelf nicely, without looking like Captain Anorexia.
Peeps see things differently I guess. Who's to say who's right? We both agree there's room for improvement.
I'm guessing somebody will attempt a body swap, & maybe impress some of us enough to do the same.
Um... are you drunk right now? Seriously...
It looks EXACTLY like him.
This is why I stick up for Hot Toys against the negative posts, because of ridiculous comments like this one.
Exhibit A:
Golden Age Cap body
Exhibit B:
Steve Rogers body
Exhibit C:
Stealth Cap body
I'd conclude they're all the same body, and it's just the padding that makes everything look off. Golden Age Cap looked puffy because of its suit (and the padding), and dollars to doughnuts, like has been suggested by others, that's why Stealth Cap looks so flat in the front. Take off the padding, tighten up the top (maybe even the arms), and it'll probably look much better. The GA Cap torso was huge, so I don't think all the scrawny claims are valid. The tailoring may not be showing it off well, but that's another matter.
Evans may not be 80s Arnold big but he's definitely 90s Arnold big.
Are you saying that in a negative way or just saying evans looks like tobey maguire somehow? Or are you referring to the body?
So those of Us who have the SUPER SOLDIER set, who plans getting a set of S.T.R.I.K.E. Cap hands for that figure too?
I do
As for S.T.R.I.K.E. Captain America.
I think our friend in Mexico can surpass this leather work Hot Toys have gave us on the S.T.R.I.K.E. Cap.
Also looking at how to replace the Molded Boots with S.T.R.I.K.E. Cap for leather and Cloth and working buckles.
BTW for those who have S.T.R.I.K.E. Cap in hand, is the shield magnetic metal? A working Rare Earth Magnet in or behind the buckle on his back, would be awesome.