I actually don't mind the suit. I think it looks nice, albeit the muscle tone could have used a little work, I think. That's the only real concern I would have, if I truly had one. The chin strap is merely a nitpick, for my part.I'd be less concerned about the chin strap color and more concerned about the inaccuracy of the outfit.... its much worse
Finally this guy has arrived in Singapore! Head to toe he's just amazing! I have to agree, he does need more chest workout though. Other than that, Masterpiece.
Yeah it's definitely a great looking figure. I can't wait til SSC gets their shipments off that boat. It'll be my first and only Cap until the AoU version is out. Awesome pic too.Finally this guy has arrived in Singapore! Head to toe he's just amazing! I have to agree, he does need more chest workout though. Other than that, Masterpiece.
I am soooooooo overdue for a new Cap figure. That stupid dock situation needs to get resolved pronto. Can't we just send in a Jeager to move the cargo around?
I am soooooooo overdue for a new Cap figure. That stupid dock situation needs to get resolved pronto. Can't we just send in a Jeager to move the cargo around?