Read a few responses before posting this. AoU Cap and CW BV Cap In my opinion are about on par with each other. Both have their strengths and weaknesses but instead of going down the AoU road since it's been discussed to death

, I'm actually going to focus on the regular CW Crap

oh sorry, I mean Cap.
Aside from the ridiculous straps for the shield, the shield itself is absolutely THE WORST painted diecast Cap shield HT has released so far. Yes, the stupid back material on his outfit sucks too but it actually does help articulation even if it doesn't exactly look great. Another positive is the shorter gloves that do help make for more convincing punch poses and the like. But really? The regular version is just the first Cap fight with Crossbones and I'm so surprised that HT left the Avengers A on the BV version (took them off day 1).
I'm sorry for anyone who is loving their Regular CW Cap but I just think it's basically just one small step above the SSS Cap. Other issues I have with the regular CW version is the head and separate neck. Maybe I missed that in the promo pictures but I'm not, and have never been, a fan of the separate neck and head (last Cap that used this was GA Cap). Now there's a definite possibility that with the interchangeable mouth pieces, they had to use the separate neck but I feel a little more R&D and they could have kept it a solid piece.
Definitely glad I was able to pickup both of these (x2) as I knew modifications were going to be needed for me to actually display the figures the way I felt was not just consistent with the film but also with my vision of my ultimate CW displays. As soon as I received my regular CW Caps, I immediately swapped out the gritting teeth mouth, head and neck for my BV Cap. Thankfully, the pose I chose for my BV Cap (holding his shield to block IM repulsors) hides most of the neck to head seam but neither are really as stunning (all around) as AoU Cap In my opinion. Anyways enough rambling, here's a few side by side shots of the 2 CW Caps.
Last picture shows the difference between regular CW Cap shield and In my opinion, the best shield so far, AoU Cap shield.