Super Freak
Avengers as in 2012 Avengers right? XD but I'll put him next to both Avengers and AOU Caps.
Well, this is what I've done with my AoU Cap. Looking at your pics, the forearms seem to be larger on CW Cap, so would you mind seeing if the Avengers gauntlets will fit?
View attachment 289656
Hope this answers your question, but yes!
Pictures of both side by side please :X
Also is the CW version more poseable than the AOU?
Feels about the same in terms of articulation to me.
The boots and pants look so much better on this figure than the AOU one. I didn't think I'd be as excited as I am now to double down on Cap.
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The boots were always my main complaint with the AOU one, I def think this warrants two caps - one with helmet one without.
So My cap arrived late in the afternoon and I've been filming him most of the evening (I'd keep going, but I'm a groomsmen in my cousins wedding tomorrow, gotta sleep early)...and so far my early impressions are: it's a nice figure. I love the extra mouth plate and overall physique...HOWEVER...posing him was a bit of a challenge. Too much fabric in the upper chest/traps/shoulder area. I don't have the past two caps (BV and AoU) to compare, but I am glad I waited.
My vid review should be going up either late tomorrow night or mid-day Sunday! Stay tuned my fellow collectors!
Right on man! Pumped for the vid to pop up.I'm excited for him to arrive, this will be my first Cap.