Super Freak
Cap comes Thurs. for me. Bucky will be next and then Panther. I'll probably also get Iron Man 46 to create that last final battle. I got the steel-book Blu-ray on Tues. and I probably will watch it again and again. 
Yikes! Hope you can get a replacement.
Picked up from UPS today. Had to stand in a line of other people waiting for their iPhones. Wasn't too bad but yaaaaay for Saturday delivery!
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Have we concluded that coupons are good on everything now or still the normal three-month wait story?
I just tried to use mine on POA Harry Potter, which just got posted, and it looks like you still need to wait 2 months.
But if the figure you want is up for PO for 2 months before your coupon expires, then you can use that coupon. It happened with the last coupon I got. Yoda wasn't eligible in July, but I was able to use the coupon on Yoda in August, before it expired.
The mouth plate adds so much more to this figure.
I like seeing Cap and Superman together.