I attended an advanced screening of Suicide Squad last night and absolutely loved it. Go see it for the standout performances alone if the mixed critical response is turning you off

Will Smith is phenomenal as Deadshot. Margot is pitch perfect as Harley (being fans of the BTAS...her bits had my friend and I smiling from ear to ear throughout the film). Moreoever, Leto's steals every scene he's in (very much like Ledger did). We're collectors here and you guys are going to want to add the current SS figures up for sale to your collections after watching the film. I'm confident in saying that. Here's something to excite you: expect costume surprises, hero cameos and a mid-credits scene.
EDIT: Oh, and The Joker DOES NOT (and I really mean this) have a "standard" costume in the film, so if you're waiting to see the film to decide, coming to a decision is only going to get tougher. I'd say the black tuxedo and the silver jacket+purple dress shirt underneath get the most screen-time...more or less of the same screen-time too...definitely longer, more memorable sequences than the others...
The white tuxedo version from the nightclub+batmobile chase gets a nice but lesser bit. Purple coat and Arkham asylum version are unfortunately the least if I'm remembering correctly (we barely see him in that straight jacket guys). The man is constantly changing lol Hot Toys struck a goldmine with Leto's Joker. Wait until you the see the film for other looks. Enjoy guys!