1/6 Hot Toys - MMS409 - Suicide Squad - Batman (Rebreather Version) Collectible Figure

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So I got the email from SSC about my WW shipping, I hope I have some time before this ships otherwise financially I might have to choose which one to keep :thud:
So I got the email from SSC about my WW shipping, I hope I have some time before this ships otherwise financially I might have to choose which one to keep :thud:

Isn't it your second WW though? Choice should be pretty simple! If you choose the other way around tho I'll gladly take the batman off of you lol

I missed out on both versions unfortunately. My current plan is to wait for *The Batman* movie to come out in 2020 or whatever to finally get a version of this suit lol
TrexGreen on the BvS thread reported that his two BvS figures have a difference in shade of grey. One is lighter and one darker. Makes me wonder if the SS Batman's will be the same, or if they're all lighter. Need to see more in-hand examples I guess.
So I got the email from SSC about my WW shipping, I hope I have some time before this ships otherwise financially I might have to choose which one to keep :thud:

This is probably the last time we'll see the BvS batsuit, but Wonder Woman's armor looks the same in JL - plus her face looks better than the BvS version.

It depends on what your preferences are.
Yeah, I would drop the BvS Wonder Woman. That sculpt is sub-par, and they will almost certainly give us an improvement with the next version.

Totally agree.

Just recently cancelled my po on bvs ww, no regrets at all.
I am willing to wait for another year or two till HT can get the head sculpt right.

So I got the email from SSC about my WW shipping, I hope I have some time before this ships otherwise financially I might have to choose which one to keep :thud:

I don't see why you will have a financial issue as you can easily sell your ss batman at a profit.
You are going to need that profit to cover your loss on your bvs ww in the future. lol
Totally agree.

Just recently cancelled my po on bvs ww, no regrets at all.
I am willing to wait for another year or two till HT can get the head sculpt right.

I don't see why you will have a financial issue as you can easily sell your ss batman at a profit.
You are going to need that profit to cover your loss on your bvs ww in the future. lol

you could be right ,but just a thought ,say hot toy cease to be or change tack and drop a bunch of announced figures and go all out iron man and star wars :lol,
Why didn't Hot Toys put up any blogger photos of the final product on facebook like they normally do?
That was projected but it came out in HK this week so other markets will get it in the next 5-6 weeks. Lucky us.

Lucky us?! I don't have the money ready, what a bummer :D But on the other hand, that's rare. But it's strange there are no photos on HT fb page. Today it was only Ghost Rider.
Awesome nocternis! Very nice box for sure. Thoughts and pictures, including comparison pics with the BvS version of you have both, would be really nice.

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