It's made of fabric? Are you sure, it looks the same material as the BvS one to me - can anyone clarify that it's made from a fabric and not some sort of rubber like BvS?
I was going to purchase one of these, but after the suits of my BvS and AB deteriorating, I think these figures are just a waste of money. Over enough time, all of these figures will deteriorate, making them worthless.
I don't really see what all the hype is about with this one
the body seems better, more screen accurate. If thats not your thing then thats probably why
I caved and bought him from HK for $330. My reasoning is that I only purchase Batman figures, and I never like to miss out on ex Batman figures.
Timcent is very well known in the 1/6 circles... He is kind of a scalper, but he has the hook up over there in HK.
the body seems better, more screen accurate. If thats not your thing then thats probably why
I don't have it so I don't see how body is better and more screen accurate. Has anyone done a side by side comparison of the 2?
Is there an ETA on this from Sideshow? I can't even remember when I preordered it. I actually just bought the sniper rifle and tech cowl over the weekend. Kinda lame that my first experience with this particular Hot Toys Batman will be through a couple of his accessories.