Congrats on getting this figure and I'm happy to see you are so excited for it, however I think you shouldn't settle for the paint staining on the neck first-day, outta the box. I'm not trying to scare you or dampen your enthusiasm for your purchase, but this is a concerning issue that calls into question the longevity and durability of the figure (especially considering you also paid full price for it too).
With that being said, I think you may wanna consider putting in a complaint with Sideshow about the neck staining (even if you are okay with the defect and don't want a replacement). I say this, because you are probably now the 3rd person (from what I've read on the boards here) who has the paint stain issue. If Sideshow receives enough complaints about it then HT will have to do something to address the issue for the rest of their inventory that has yet to ship.
Anyways, that's my 2 cents. You have no obligation to do anything I suggested, but in the long-run this will greatly benefit the HT collecting community as a whole.
(PS: I find it damn near unacceptable that there is paint stain right out of the box. I am currently trying to get a replacement. Wish me luck!)
That's a fair point you make, gmoney: mine was posted straight from Hong Kong and had probably been in the box for only a short time. Figures left in the packaging for a month or more longer might have much worse staining issues. I emailed Sideshow just to flag the issue. I said hey, on mine it's not too bad, but it could be worse down the track of they stay in the box for a long time, so if you have any direct communication with Hot Toys, you might want to let them know, and save everyone some headaches down the line. Plus, if you have any tips on reducing the existing marks, I'll take 'em.
I guess I got Picard recently, so in comparison the staining here didn't seem like much at all

(that said, I do love Picard, and QMX is being very nice on replacements there)
Aw. I really loved my Star-Lord figure until I saw how unhappy others were with the issues. Now I can't look at it without feeling a little sad.
I'm in Australia, so in my case it doesn't seem worth sending a figure back to the US and waiting on a replacement that might have even worse issues (or worse staining). The stains on mine (one small spot on each side of the neck) aren't visible from very far, aren't too dark, look a bit like shaving nicks, and one can easily be covered up by the scarf or the collar. I'm hoping the plastic might re-absorb enough in time that the marks will hardly be visible.
But you are absolutely right. If Hot Toys doesn't make a change in their packaging, other collectors are going to have much worse issues. Hopefully the heads up makes a difference and Hot Toys can bung some plastic round the necks in time for those getting figs from the next batch.
This is what forums are for, I suppose: so the community can give advice to and watch out for the community.