Finally got my Star Lord.
The seller told me the regular which I ordered with the eBay 20% off coupon sold out.
Had to get a Deluxe at a slight discount.
The long coat's nice so I won't complain about that.
Geez he may not look 100% like Chris Pratt but this figure looks like a real person.
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It's crazy how IW has affected the prices this... 2 months ago I could have gotten a deluxe for $225... now I can rarely find a regular for under $250.
Funny thing is, he sorta became the dip**** in the movie. I thought the scene was cheesy though, sedate Thanos and try stealing his glove Winnie the Pooh style...Anyway just shows how popular Star Lord is, basically Han of the Guardians.
That was one of my favorite scenes in the movie.
Star-Lord's reaction was perfectly within his established character. He has a moral code, but he's led by his emotions and acts upon them without pause. They've cemented that over two movies.
Peter was just a kid that was stolen from home immediately after losing his mother and raised by space pirates. He shot Ego the second he told him about the tumor. He reacts to Thor with childlike jealousy. He makes jokes and throws insults even at people he cares about because that's the only way he knows how to relate to others.
Gamora was changing that, bringing emotional stability to him. And then her father murdered her.
He lost his mom, he lost his dad who turned out to be a megalomaniacal planet that killed his mom, he lost his space dad, and then he lost her, not long after shooting her because of their promise (even if it didn't work). I certainly don't blame him for punching Grimace.
Yeah, its almost cheaper to get v1 Star-Lord and a v2 head.
I told myself I'd wait for IW Star-Lord v3... especially after they showed the IW version... but then its so much like the GOTG 2 version I started thinking HT will never release it. But maybe they will for next year's finale?
I really like the rocket boots more than the aero-rig.
I have a feeling that this has already been addressed but having trouble finding the answer: can you switch the boots from the Vol 1 figure onto the Vol 2 figure?
My problem with the scene isn't really rooted within Star Lord's reaction, although you would think even hot headed Pete could keep better cool considering the context of the situation.
My problem with the scene is that saving the world seems to be laughably hinged on prying a stuck glove off a sedated Thanos, it just seems silly. I was waiting for someone to lube up his forearm. If it is in fact possible to put him under, which apparently it is...why not just shoot or him in the face while he is out? It's like a James Bond situation where the villain uses an overly elaborate and plan to rid do Bond in when a simple approach makes a lot more sense.
Maybe it seems silly because you forgot about the entire section of the movie that Thor was traveling with Rocket and Groot to obtain a weapon capable of killing a god? What good would shooting Thanos in the face have done? We saw how much fury the heroes were unleashing, and the most they could do (before Thor showed up) was spew a small line a blood. They had already tried the brute force method several times (even Hulk did nearly nothing to him before he had most of the infinity stones), so they utilized Mantis's power and tried a hail Mary. Even though Mantis had him under control, she was struggling to keep him under and didn't have much left in her when Starlord attacked.
Considering a couple of punches to the face caused Mantis to lose control of Thanos, I would imagine a blast to the face would definitely have made her lose control and it would have done nearly nothing to him. I guess if they could have kept the mind control going until Thor showed up, you may have a point. Given the context of the film though and everything else they tried up to that point, I do not see what other option they had, and therefore I do not see how the scene was silly.
Maybe it seems silly because you forgot about the entire section of the movie that Thor was traveling with Rocket and Groot to obtain a weapon capable of killing a god? What good would shooting Thanos in the face have done? We saw how much fury the heroes were unleashing, and the most they could do (before Thor showed up) was spew a small line a blood. They had already tried the brute force method several times (even Hulk did nearly nothing to him before he had most of the infinity stones), so they utilized Mantis's power and tried a hail Mary. Even though Mantis had him under control, she was struggling to keep him under and didn't have much left in her when Starlord attacked.
Considering a couple of punches to the face caused Mantis to lose control of Thanos, I would imagine a blast to the face would definitely have made her lose control and it would have done nearly nothing to him. I guess if they could have kept the mind control going until Thor showed up, you may have a point. Given the context of the film though and everything else they tried up to that point, I do not see what other option they had, and therefore I do not see how the scene was silly.
How do you get 20% coupons from EBAY? I have seen a lot of folks post about coupons just curious how it works.
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you can but you lose ankle articulation.
Got my Quill sculpt done up with rooted hair.
Done by Shane Poole