Hot Toys Resident Evil 5 Jill Valentine!!!

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Well, the guy also did the Silken Floss sculpt. That was fairly well-received, right?

I didn't chase up feedback on Silken Floss, but if you think that was a good sculpt, then that says to me this effort stand out even more. Personally, I find the Silken Floss head shares the same kind of blandness in sculpt as these other two cited. Don't get me wrong, they are very professionally made, but I feel they all have in common a kinda, cartoony base to them.

Agen & Penn where did you get those pictures? Are those captures from a cutscene or gameplay?

I kinda agree with some comments about HT never made an RE figure that completely resembled the actual characters, and the generic look of the new Jill sculpt.

I only quoted Agen, so I couldn't say.

Couldn't they hire a digital sculptor to sculpt the head using the CG files of Jill from RE5?

Something I am consistently baffled by.

Being a 3d modeler, and used to looking at subtle nuonces of the human head, and compairing a rendered head to a real head, , I 'd like to say the likeness is there. it's Not spot-on, but its there. the most "off part is the nose, but that's NOT what's killing it. it's the paintwork.

I agree about the paintwork.
I find the mouth area has many inconsistencies. Just things like, just compare the vertical thickness of the upper lip. The shape of the vermillion border (the cg model has a distinct arch, the sculpture is far flatter by comparison).
Also notice how the skin above the vermillion runs off into the cheeks on the cg model, but the sculpture has these odd dimples/depression above the corners of the mouth.

I wish to know what sculping method or source followed Hiroki Hayashi-san to create Jill,s headsculp :gah:

Each time I look at any ingame or CG pic ( Sheeva or Jill) I can, not see the reference this guy has taken for the headsculps...However looking at Wesker or Chris headsculps I can see clearly the resemblance with their videogame,s counterpart.. so :dunno
I agree that all of BioHazard figures are lacking of some facial details like MMS. But I notice that HT step up with Assassin Creed figure. That HS look like a real persone to me.
Anyway, I'll get Jill no matter what.
I checked the HT website. No change in release date but surprised to find out they acquired license on RE: Afterlife. I'd really be disappointed if Alice figure comes out better than Jill.
BW's body (Jill's too) with the wonderful (Legs) improvements... May all future HT females come with this variation of body (varying bust sizes).
The lighter one with bigger ****s is BW' body and the darker one is a standard female TT. Where did you hear Jill's body is the same as BW's if I may ask?
^^By two points:
1. Evaluation of both figures proto and the many exibits.
2. The term "Newly developed female TrueType body" was used for both BW and Jill. I doubt Jill will have a new bust size, seeing that HT is prone to recycle casts, but it's still possible....
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This is GREAT!!! Double jointed Knees!! Hottoys has finally heard my prayers!! :pray::pray:

Edit: Hey wait..... Where the hell is the waist joint?? :gah:
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