I hope we get this!!!
I hope we get this!!!
Inb4 the band of people crying about reissues
Robocop with robocain are definite buys for me.............Hoping for some new colonial marines with APC vehicle!!!
The APC which has to fit about 13 people in it you mean? HT are daring and ambitious but not by that much!
I missed out on the first release so this is awesome news!
Zero interest in anything other than Robocop
That would make it just smaller than the average coffee table
Nice centre peace for any living room
Aww, not even in a Toxic Waste Emile?
PERS would look great for the dismembered scenes from R2.
Hells yes _____es!! Now i have even more confidence that holding off on ebaying the old Terminator Endoskeleton is a smart move.
Can't wait for Robocop. DROP IT!