Could you just take the normal stand and put it under his feet? not sure what it would look like but kind of like moving the floor up instead of moving the chair down.
Or worse, you probably need quite a bit of the peg to fit into the base of the chair, if you shave off too much the chair may not stay on the base....
Ok. Let’s recap.
1. Figure is too short.
2. Seems are too big/noticeable
3. Robes have heavy dye and will stain.
4. Robe is too short if you make it taller
5. Robes are too bulky
6. Expression still wonky
7. Wrinkles not wrinkly enough
8. Eyes not yellow enough
9. Chair base too tall
10. Chair cushion too high
11. Chair cushion doesn’t sink down
12. Chair base bottom not designed right
Did I miss anything?
I’m still getting one.
I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. For the money paid for a figure like this, it can't be that hard to make a robe that doesn't bleed. Hot Toys knows very well this figure is going to be displayed with the hood ON. It's not like there are scenes of the emperor without his hood up in the OT (except maybe his visit to the hairdresser on Robot Chicken). Sideshow didn't have such a problem.
The sculpt looks great, but this is shameful, in my opinion. Purely shameful.
Ok. Let’s recap.
1. Figure is too short.
2. Seems are too big/noticeable
3. Robes have heavy dye and will stain.
4. Robe is too short if you make it taller
5. Robes are too bulky
6. Expression still wonky
7. Wrinkles not wrinkly enough
8. Eyes not yellow enough
9. Chair base too tall
10. Chair cushion too high
11. Chair cushion doesn’t sink down
12. Chair base bottom not designed right
Did I miss anything?
I’m still getting one.
Maybe the disclaimer is there just so they don’t get a lawsuit in 10 years when someone looks at their doll and sees some stains. I hope we don’t have to rinse this robe. My wife may not be able to take much more in regards to me caring for my dolls. I’ve done some things to figures I’m not proud of as a 42 year old guy.
Lovingly brushing ht chewie for hours
Using a cotton swab to clean blue spots off of hoth leia
Undressing ht han to take out a copper wire
Squeezing anh leias ****s to see if they really were squishy (they were)
Screaming “f yeah” every time I pass my display cases.
That said
Can’t wait for palpatine, faults and all
i plan on throwing the robes in the washer, on the delicate setting. i did it with anakins robe and let it air dry. it was fine.
In all seriousness, how did you wash it it? What setting? I don't want to ruin mime.