Super Freak
I think they did the guns?
They designed the bodies,
I think they did the guns?
We haven't seen any action on the picture/video front on this yet and it's a good bet that all of the usual suspects will be hitting us with unboxing and review videos. Than the real wait begins. How many "batches" will he end up with once released? Hopefully the first one is big enough for all who've PO'd early.
I saw this bumped and got excited that he'd be coming soon
I think he’s going to be changed to April-June now.
Cody where the hell are you
It's really hard to even guess. Once production starts up again i would think they would update the ETA on everything.
I think he?s going to be changed to April-June now.
Q1 figures for sure all Q2, maybe even Q3. Q2 now 3 or 4 and so on. I just hope once they?re back up and running they don?t take massive short cuts to make up for lost time. So long as everyone stays well and the virus gets under control thats what matters most. I can wait 3-4 more months for figures no problem
That's my concern too. I don't mind them shutting down for however long it needs to be. I just hope when they come back they aren't cutting corners, considering they were already running behind on things.
Thankfully I only have five Hot Toys on preorder and two of them (Newt and Captain Marvel) were released already and should be on the way to the States, and my Director Krennic should be almost ready for release. But I am worried figures like Qui-Gon, Gamora, Cody, etc might suffer some issues from HT trying to make up ground. I guess we'll see.