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Man, I can't decide on getting this guy or The Mando Deathtrooper with my RP's ... I already have the SS version of Cody. I know this is an upgrade, but the SS one still looks pretty good on the shelf. So I think I'm leaning towards the Death Trooper.

The real problem will be next year when I get the HT Rex (have SS too but he's my sons favorite character so I can't pass him up) and try put him next the SS Cody. That's when I will be kicking myself in the arse if I pass on this guy.. :lol

You sir are in a real pickle lol
Since this is being shipped to me direct from HK Sideshow haven't updated the order status to "Shipped". Hopefully they change it ASAP, 40 days is already a long time to wait for the Reward Points.
Man, I can't decide on getting this guy or The Mando Deathtrooper with my RP's ... I already have the SS version of Cody. I know this is an upgrade, but the SS one still looks pretty good on the shelf. So I think I'm leaning towards the Death Trooper.

The real problem will be next year when I get the HT Rex (have SS too but he's my sons favorite character so I can't pass him up) and then try putting him next to the SS Cody. That's when I will be kicking myself in the arse if I pass on this guy.. :lol

Definitely get Cody, I think he'll be underproduced since he went up for order before the whole craze came back. Haven't been able to order him anywhere outside of Sideshow for months now.
Just got an email from SS pushing back my last flex pay to December 25, 2020 :slap

And here I thought I'd actually see my boy Cody on the shelf before the end of the year smh.
I don't understand these long delays. This was released in what, September? There's absolutely no reason this should be getting pushed into 2021.
I don't understand these long delays. This was released in what, September? There's absolutely no reason this should be getting pushed into 2021.

There is still a global pandemic going on, I doubt any of us know exactly how that's affecting HT and their production/distribution :dunno
I don't understand these long delays. This was released in what, September? There's absolutely no reason this should be getting pushed into 2021.

There's definitely a 'first batch' thing where they'll release some in HK and then keep working to produce the larger batch. I bet Sideshow's 'order,' which is literally every figure ordered in North America and wherever in Europe they distribute, is probably gigantic. I'm sure it'll come in batches to them too.
Most/all HK etailers have yet to stock their "later batch" allotment. It looks like production mode has shifted from one big wave to multiple smaller waves.
I don't understand these long delays. This was released in what, September? There's absolutely no reason this should be getting pushed into 2021.

In china, it was released. Only in China. Even the beginning of september was only 8 weeks ago.
As has been mentioned above, there's a global pandemic that is getting *worse*, not better, and we might be about to face more stringent lockdowns than ever to save lives, my friend.
We can all wait a little bit longer for our dollies to be delivered.
In china, it was released. Only in China. Even the beginning of september was only 8 weeks ago.
As has been mentioned above, there's a global pandemic that is getting *worse*, not better, and we might be about to face more stringent lockdowns than ever to save lives, my friend.
We can all wait a little bit longer for our dollies to be delivered.

Yea this is seems to be something I see a lot on the TF forums specifically for 3rd party and KO figures since they come from China. Guys over there are like "I paid for express shipping! It's been 2 days! why don't I have it!? F___ this webstore" :lol :slap. I think for some the pandemic has become "normal" and they think everything is back up and running the way it used to which is definitely not the case.
Yea this is seems to be something I see a lot on the TF forums specifically for 3rd party and KO figures since they come from China. Guys over there are like "I paid for express shipping! It's been 2 days! why don't I have it!? F___ this webstore" :lol :slap. I think for some the pandemic has become "normal" and they think everything is back up and running the way it used to which is definitely not the case.

The slowest i have received something from china during the Pandemic has been two weeks(Ordered directly from China), which i thought was pretty good, all things considered.
But in contrast, i ordered a bunch of stuff from Toy Anxiety during their March sale, and it took till early june to arrive. It certainly wasn't the fault of Toy Anxiety. They popped it in the post and it just took a while to get here to Scotland.
I also had a real struggle with selling a HT Anakin to a member here when Fedex lost it once it got to the USA, and he wanted a refund despite asking me to mark the value down. I had to sell some other prized figures to cover his refund then Fedex found it and delivered it to him anyway.
So, yeah, this Pandemic has played havoc with postage times. We were spoiled before. It's just going to take a bit longer now, and for the foreseeable future. Most people thing lockdowns are to stop their fun. When in reality, it's to save all of our lives.
The slowest i have received something from china during the Pandemic has been two weeks(Ordered directly from China), which i thought was pretty good, all things considered.
But in contrast, i ordered a bunch of stuff from Toy Anxiety during their March sale, and it took till early june to arrive. It certainly wasn't the fault of Toy Anxiety. They popped it in the post and it just took a while to get here to Scotland.
I also had a real struggle with selling a HT Anakin to a member here when Fedex lost it once it got to the USA, and he wanted a refund despite asking me to mark the value down. I had to sell some other prized figures to cover his refund then Fedex found it and delivered it to him anyway.
So, yeah, this Pandemic has played havoc with postage times. We were spoiled before. It's just going to take a bit longer now, and for the foreseeable future. Most people thing lockdowns are to stop their fun. When in reality, it's to save all of our lives.

wow! I'm sorry to hear that. Anakin goes for a lot these days so that really had to sting especially finding out the customer got it for free.

But same for my experience buying from china during the pandemic, 2 weeks max. And it tends to move fastest before it gets to the US. Once it's here, it moves very slowly but still good all things considered. And the most I've paid for Chinese express shipping has been $4 but these transformer collectors act like it's $40 then complain when the free shipping option takes 30-60 days b/c it's by boat.

But I definitely agree. As much as lockdowns suck, medical bills and potential death are way worse so I'd take the lockdown. I've been working from home since last September, so not leaving the house everyday has been nothing new to me for a little over a year now. I feel bad for USPS as they're getting even less funding than ever, but are way overworked with more ppl than ever ordering online right now. I mean, the LCS I ordered the SS 1/6 comic Superman figure JUST got it in even though it's been in-stock at SS for a little over a month now. It's a crazy time where patience is very key more than ever I think.
wow! I'm sorry to hear that. Anakin goes for a lot these days so that really had to sting especially finding out the customer got it for free.

I was heartbroken at first when he wanted a refund. I only sold i because i was broke, and only to an established member here.
I think it was "missing" for four weeks when he started a paypal dispute.
I had said i could give him a refund as i'd used the money to pay bills and to still be patient. So i had to sell my Reeve Superman, and two other HT figures(At a price that would sell fast), to get him his money. Then, after some threatening phone calls to Fedex, they mysteriously found it. And sent it to him, lol. In any case, he was now willing to pay for it again, but i wanted it back. I arranged to get it picked up at my own expense, and on the third attempt by the courier company to get him at home, it was picked up and returned to me. All told, that Anakin sale cost me $130 in shipping, my Reeve Superman, my Tony Stark Armour Test, and my MKV Iron Man.

But same for my experience buying from china during the pandemic, 2 weeks max. And it tends to move fastest before it gets to the US. Once it's here, it moves very slowly but still good all things considered. And the most I've paid for Chinese express shipping has been $4 but these transformer collectors act like it's $40 then complain when the free shipping option takes 30-60 days b/c it's by boat.

But I definitely agree. As much as lockdowns suck, medical bills and potential death are way worse so I'd take the lockdown. I've been working from home since last September, so not leaving the house everyday has been nothing new to me for a little over a year now. I feel bad for USPS as they're getting even less funding than ever, but are way overworked with more ppl than ever ordering online right now. I mean, the LCS I ordered the SS 1/6 comic Superman figure JUST got it in even though it's been in-stock at SS for a little over a month now. It's a crazy time where patience is very key more than ever I think.

Yeah. Exactly. Patience is key here. Always factor in at least a month longer than normal. And even then, the people at the company you ordered from(Who are, at the end of the day, just *people*, going in to their job, day after day, risking their lives during a pandemic, trying to feed their kids and pay their mortgage), will appreciate less calls from entitled people who ordered expensive dollies and are shaking their fists when they haven't arrived after a couple of weeks.
It's a strange time right now.
I have chanced my arm with a few lowball offers to people on Ebay and even on listed prices on websites. Some have accepted.
I just got this guy and I hate it. It looks great but its just so much hassle to work with because of that damn arm connection. He will never be reposed.

The slowest i have received something from china during the Pandemic has been two weeks(Ordered directly from China), which i thought was pretty good, all things considered.
But in contrast, i ordered a bunch of stuff from Toy Anxiety during their March sale, and it took till early june to arrive. It certainly wasn't the fault of Toy Anxiety. They popped it in the post and it just took a while to get here to Scotland.
I also had a real struggle with selling a HT Anakin to a member here when Fedex lost it once it got to the USA, and he wanted a refund despite asking me to mark the value down. I had to sell some other prized figures to cover his refund then Fedex found it and delivered it to him anyway.
So, yeah, this Pandemic has played havoc with postage times. We were spoiled before. It's just going to take a bit longer now, and for the foreseeable future. Most people thing lockdowns are to stop their fun. When in reality, it's to save all of our lives.

I'm sorry that happened but glad they found it eventually...but nobody in the US should be asking people to down toy values. There's no customs fees on toys in the US.
I was heartbroken at first when he wanted a refund. I only sold i because i was broke, and only to an established member here.
I think it was "missing" for four weeks when he started a paypal dispute.
I had said i could give him a refund as i'd used the money to pay bills and to still be patient. So i had to sell my Reeve Superman, and two other HT figures(At a price that would sell fast), to get him his money. Then, after some threatening phone calls to Fedex, they mysteriously found it. And sent it to him, lol. In any case, he was now willing to pay for it again, but i wanted it back. I arranged to get it picked up at my own expense, and on the third attempt by the courier company to get him at home, it was picked up and returned to me. All told, that Anakin sale cost me $130 in shipping, my Reeve Superman, my Tony Stark Armour Test, and my MKV Iron Man.
Well I'm glad to hear that you got him back but that still sucks that you had to let Reeve go. I completely understand as I had to sell my HT Reeve with Yunsil outfit and Unleashed Viper accurate boots when I lost my job last May along with nearly 3/4 of my collection (thankfully have a new job though). Was the Tony Stark you had to sell the IM1 mech test version or the IM3 one? If the IM1 version, at least you can possibly get the newer one if you need to.

Yeah. Exactly. Patience is key here. Always factor in at least a month longer than normal. And even then, the people at the company you ordered from(Who are, at the end of the day, just *people*, going in to their job, day after day, risking their lives during a pandemic, trying to feed their kids and pay their mortgage), will appreciate less calls from entitled people who ordered expensive dollies and are shaking their fists when they haven't arrived after a couple of weeks.
It's a strange time right now.
I have chanced my arm with a few lowball offers to people on Ebay and even on listed prices on websites. Some have accepted.

Exactly 100% agree. not much I can add. Aside from, yup eBay I've been able to get good deals lately since other ppl are in need of money so selling their figures at low prices. I just got SS Darth Maul V2 for $112 and newest SS Darth Vader for $170, both brand new.
[...] that Anakin sale cost me $130 in shipping, my Reeve Superman, my Tony Stark Armour Test, and my MKV Iron Man.

OMG!!!! I am so sorry, what a mess! :( this is awful. I have heard many tales about how awful Fedex can be; they have never done me wrong, but I am sure my day is coming. Too much anecdotal evidence otherwise.

With that said, the wait for Cody is quite simply, ridiculous. I would have more sympathy if they were not shipping later offerings beforehand. For instance I think Cody should have shipped before Mando v1.0. Dont kill me! I love Mando. Happy to have him. But Cody should have gotten first dibs, we've been waiting for him a lot longer.
If anyone ordered from HK, just wanted to let you know DenDen Hobby invoiced me earlier today.