Maybe you could apply some kind of epoxide or glue from an art store, theres has to be something that you can use to repair it, the problem is matching the skin color. Good luck.
I'm looking into that or a body swap, not sure which way I'm going to go yet.
Nope, there's no repairing that - rotten luck Skull![]()
I think that little muppet who tried to blame collectors for their figures' rubber deterioration was banned. But here's another example of how it's just a matter of time when it comes to rubber figures. Only thing to do is replace the bodies to at least retain the character on the shelf.
I took as good of care as could be expected aside from just leaving it in the box, I've avoided this issue since I started collecting hot toys since 2009 but no matter what its bound to happen eventually, I've seen this before of the same figure from other collectors years ago so the extra care I took afforded me some extra time with a mint figure.
As sad as the situation is, it isn't a lost cause. There are plenty of replacement bodies out there and the figure will be as good as new. We shouldn't have to do that so soon, but it is what it is. Try replacing that Arkham Bats HT is releasing.
I think a bane body would work nicely, I wish Hot Toys would produce more TrueType's and give us new body options, but it seems there not interested in making those anymore
Dang, Skull. That sucks. He's one of the figures I still want to get but those rubber arms have always but me off. I still might track one down someday but I might try and do a body swap.
At this point I would recommend holding out for a 2.0, it will happen sooner or later, not worth paying after market prices for a figure that a limited time shelf life, my dutch was boxed up for years and is on display in a sealed figure case but I'm going to put him back in the box for safe keeping real soon.
It could be you didn't have the arms 100% straight and any slight bend would stretch the rubber at the elbow. Though doesn't look too bad. Get some good clear rubber epoxy or super glue, carefully drop it in via toothpick not too blobby so it doesn't squeeze out, then push the two ends together for 10 seconds making sure the seam is nice and even, carefully wipe away excess quickly with finger, done![]()
Your not wrong, I had about a 10 degree natural bend in the arm, he would look a little goofy on display if it was completely strait, even then it may have split on the front of the elbow but who knows. I'm thinking of trying that, a pinch of gel superglue in the tear and maybe it will fix it, I'm going to sleep on it for now.
Thanks to everyone for offering advise, its greatly appreciated