Hot Toys Snowtrooper

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The boots really bother me, but I don’t really mind the pants color. Also you could probably pretty easily bleach them or paint them slightly whiter.

Yeah, the HT boots are very Hasbro. Not sure what went wrong there. With some work the SSC boots look much better. The fig on left is heavily modded SSC with cast of HT snowie helmet. On right is stock HT.


The snowie on the left in this pic is a custom figure that has hybird boots - the uppers are cast from SSC, the lowers from HT.


The main negatives on the two snowies:

HT - boots are a cheap Hasbro-level sculpt with very unconvincing paint, red chest armor "buttons" are too big, figure is short (and oddly proportioned with stubby legs and slightly long arms,) pants are a bit yellow (but a few snowies are close to this yellow - they vary onscreen)

SSC - chest armor a bit too flattened, helmet terrible in every way, hands oversized, forearm armor oversized, "skirt" is a bit short

Overall in comparing both to the costume up close, what's a little frustrating is some of the SSC pieces are slightly too big while some of the HT pieces are slightly too small - for example the backpack, and the "belly button" belt greeblie.
I believe the issue is actually pretty straightforward.

The inaccuracies to the film version of the Snowtrooper are likely a result of Hot Toys designing this figure off the in-game model for Battlefront.

The colors, boots, size of the chest buttons, etc. are all a match for the Battlefront version.

Now I don't know if a stand alone ESB Snowtrooper would've been more screen accurate if they had done that instead of making the odd choice of having a dual ESB/Battlefront figure.

This is the version Lucasfilm approved for both versions. The sanitized Battlefront version might just be the accepted canonical appearance, explained away by "that's how they were supposed to look all along."
I'm probably a minority, but other than the face mask, I really like the SSC Snowie better.
I could never warm up to the HT version. The color looks terrible IMHO, and the tight fit of the entire suit looks ugly.
I took the padding out of the legs and it makes a big difference for me. I could be slightly tempted into painting up the straps on the boots akin to what Tali did.

The dirtiness doesn't bother me at all.
