The final act of Rogue One is good, but that's about it.
I like them both almost equally, but Solo is the better 'classic' Star Wars story.
And they're not all dead by the end of Solo...and it didn't steal the ending from These Final Hours.![]()
I have been a SW fan since I saw A New Hope at a drive-in theater on opening weekend in 1977 when I was 4 years old. And until very recently the Empire was always portrayed as space Nazis. And as SW fans we?re all fully aware, the Empire only had white men, with (mostly) English accents, which portrays them as racist, sexist, xenophobes. All of that does an excellent job of teaching the audience that the Empire is evil.
Fast forward to the Mandalorian. We see Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon, which makes no sense, regardless of how good an actor he is, he is miscast as an Imperial Officer. It?s like seeing a Jewish officer in the Nazi military, or a black woman as a leader in the KKK. It?s just inconceivable and makes you scratch your head and do a double-take. What?s next, will there be aliens and females in the Empire next? It just makes the empire appear kinder and gentler, and thus less evil. It?s clearly retconning SW, and I don?t like it. I enjoyed seeing Carl Weathers as the leader of a bounty hunter guild, we?ve never seen anything to contradict that casting decision, and I?ve enjoyed Weather?s performance in everything I?ve seen him in, so I?m totally happy with that, but the further you get away from having a smug white old Englishman as an imperial officer the further you get away from the original intent of what the Empire is and the evil they represent.
The decision to make a more diverse Empire, reveals a complete lack of understanding of the dynamics of SW, and betrays the Kathleen Kenedy, and Lucasfilm Story-group?s agenda of identity politics. Other than maybe Pablo Hidalgo, they don?t understand anything about SW.
That?s all I?m saying. And no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, if you are a SW fan you?ll likely pick up what I?m laying down.
I?m not married to my opinions though, so if any of you have a logical counter viewpoint, I?m sincerely interested in hearing your explanation. As a lifelong SW fan I?m very interested to see the new stuff in a way that makes logical sense to me so that I could enjoy it more.
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Thrawn existed before Kathleen Kennedy. He is a blue man and a beloved character to many.
I mean he's viewed as an outsider. But the EU always clearly states the empire is xenophobic. Sexist? Sorta. Racist? Not that I recall. But it also sets the ground work that if you are an outsider you can still excel just like Thrawn. The fan **** is a bit much at times.
I just have one point to put into this (don't shout at me lol). I wasn't around in the 70's (born in '87) so I don't know what the film industry was like back then. But was there a ton of different culture actors around at the time? Did the budget not also play a part as well? I can't imagine Lucas had much to make ANH and with the majority of it being filmed in England, would it not have just been 'easier' to cast white English folk?
I'm probably being ignorant to the situation but as I said, I wasn't around then.
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I don?t know George Lucas? inner thoughts of course, but I would submit that the Imperial military was based largely on Nazi Fascism. GL wanted the audience to see the Empire as evil, and racism is on the short list of immediately recognizable evil behavior. Imperial racism is quite heavily implied and occasionally explicit.
The Trawn books make it very clear that Trawn is an exception to the rule.
From The Essential guide to Alien Species:
I like Solo better than Rogue One too. I liked RO the first time I watched it but I?ve tried watching it a couple of times since and I find it just doesn?t grab me at all. It took me 3 tries each to get through the movie without falling asleep. I just don?t find the characters or the dialogue or really even the way the story unfolds engaging.
Love Solo, though!
Huh, exact opposite for me. I find myself loving RO more and more with each viewing, while Solo becomes harder and harder to sit through every time. I really wish I liked it more, as I do love the characters, but it's directed in such an uninspired way and always feels way too safe and family-friendly for a movie set in this underworld of smugglers and killers.
Pretty much this.![]()
Others tend to like movies with more story and a bit more depth and stakes. I would more or less put Rogue One into this. It's by no means a cinematic masterpiece, but it's more than a popcorn movie in my opinion.