The final act of Rogue One is good, but that's about it.
I agree that Solo has the more lighthearted tone I associate with Star Wars. Love Rogue One but I've always said it's a little too Zero Dark Thirty so I almost don't know what to do with it.
'Solo' feels very much like I expect an anthology story to. Very underrated, IMO.
I like Solo better than Rogue One too. I liked RO the first time I watched it but I?ve tried watching it a couple of times since and I find it just doesn?t grab me at all. It took me 3 tries each to get through the movie without falling asleep. I just don?t find the characters or the dialogue or really even the way the story unfolds engaging.
Love Solo, though!
Yeah, even though there are parts of RO that are brilliant, I pretty much agree with all of those points.
Let them have their fun [emoji6]
Ohhhh, so that's what your postage stamp was a picture of. At least I can see it now. And jeez, what an incredibly lazy, stupid and against-forum-rules post. Almost epic in all three departments.
So just to recap: the entire cast of ANH is white, including rebels (like
every single one) and decades later a SW film is produced that takes place in the same week and in
the same rebel base as ANH that features a majority non-white cast in lead roles (and even, bizarrely, adds a non-white Imperial turncoat despite OT Imperials being 100% white) and
for even noticing this and saying its illogical, you declare me a Trump voter - something clearly repugnant to you?
And for some of us, who do see it, it's still ok
I didn't say I'm not okay with it politically or philosophically, I just said it's illogical - like doing a movie set in the same week as "The Great Escape" and
in the same camp but with majority non-white and female cast. Can you understand that difference - a logic problem rather than political - or do you PC-police your worldview so strictly that you have to conflate the two?
The Trawn books make it very clear that Trawn is an exception to the rule.
From The Essential guide to Alien Species:
Umm, but weren't the rebels ALSO "species racist" and "against all non-humans" in ANH and ESB?

Other than Chewy (who's a sidekick arriving with Han, a guy who helps the rebels and becomes a Captain/General -
Chewy GETS NO SUCH RANK OR RECOGNITION from the rebels despite him doing the same work as Han,) where are the creatures fighting for the rebels in ANH and ESB?
Did you see many rebel alien pilots, soldiers or even technicians in Yavin or Hoth bases? (...and it's a little eerie that species diversity arrived in the SW universe - with ROTJ - at the same time as genuine casting diversity.)
Does that make Leia a "species racist" ("Commander" Skywalker too)? Someone who pulls a "No medals for the non-humans" in a temple 100% filled with white males?
So why do you single out the Empire as "species racist"?

I mean they allow Bossk and Zuckuss onboard the main Imperial ship as contractors when they need them, and use informants like Garindan's services as needed, just as presumably the rebels pay off or have contact with non-humans from time to time?
It has a bit since it's like a $300+ figure, but in the long run to me the Patrol Trooper is just too similar to other figures and really doesn't come with much of anything in the package. I can see the Mud Trooper doing it more just cause it's a more involved costume and it doubles as a Han if people want that.
I like Solo enough, but I really wanted to see what Lord and Miller did. Like was it awful, was it actually funny? I know they'll never release anything but I'd love to see it.
The patrol trooper in some ways is the most OT of any of the newer film designs to me but maybe you're right - too derivative to stand out? But then I don't think it's just design that makes figs take off in value. The Shore Trooper is fine but it doesn't jump out at me as a really cool design.
Maybe because it's associated with the best part of RO - Scarif? Maybe it's what the characters do, or at least being associated with a great scene/sequence, that elevates fig sales like that.