I had a nice response typed but my browser killed it so here is the (apparently) short version.
The droids all the way from the OT through the PT, ST and the various shows are
all very clearly self aware. That quote from 3PO in ANH is proof positive droids are aware of their situation and don't like it -
they are sentient. The intellect of a droid, it's appearance, it's method of communication (beeps) or it being child like does not in any way take away from it's self awareness. Is it ok to enslave children, those whose appearance or language does not conform with your ideal, or the intellectually disabled? I really don't think you believe that (and I'm not for a second suggesting you do).
They even had droid torture in RotJ. Why would torture be a thing for a mindless automaton. Droids through all the various incarnations have clearly shown signs of psychological distress (3PO is a basket case, R2 often exhibits concern, and D-O is clearly suffering from PTSD).
Your arguments all fall into the "they are different from us so it's ok to treat them poorly" category. That's not ok to me. Sure rights issues are brought up from time to time (although not in any meaningful way as per the Wuher reference) but I'm not talking general rights here, I'm talking the enslavement of an entire "race" (for want of a better term). They didn't need to create droids with a sense of self, but that's what they did. And that comes with responsibility.
Solo didn't do anything more than acknowledge an issue that has been there from the start. Do I like how they did it, not really. I think I was pretty clear I didn't. It was over the top and played for laughs (and it failed at that). But I am glad it was at least acknowledged. In the same way Clone Wars acknowledged the Jedi were, in a lot of ways, pretty terrible.
Anyway, not trying to turn this into a "thing" and don't want to drag it out lest I become as annoying as L3-37

. Just my thoughts on the topic.
Hot damn. Waitlisted. Glad mine is secured. That's much quicker than the Patrol Trooper.